"An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, and circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle. But it will never break." ~ Ancient Chinese Proverb
"Excuse me, lady, do you have any spare change?"
This was the first thing he said to me, on 56th Street in New York City, right around the corner from Broadway, on a sunny September day.
And when I heard him, I didn't really hear him. His words were part of the clatter, like a car horn or someone yelling from a cab. They were, you could say, just noise - the kind of nuisance New Yorkers learn to tune out. So I walked right by him, as if he wasn't there.
But then - and I'm not sure why I did this - I came back.
I came back and I looked at him, and I realized he was just a boy. Earlier, out of the corner of my eye, I had noticed he was young. But now, looking at him, I saw that he was a child - tiny body, sticks for arms, big round eyes. He wore a burgundy sweater that was smudged and frayed and ratty burgundy sweatpants to match. He had scuffed white sneakers with untied laces, and his fingernails were dirty. But his eyes were bright and there was a general sweetness about him. He was, I would soon learn, eleven years old.
He stretched his palm toward me, and he asked again, "Excuse me, lady, do you have any spare change? I am hungry."
What I said in response may have surprised him, but it really shocked me.
"If you're hungry," I said, "I'll take you to McDonald's and buy you lunch."
"Can I have a cheeseburger?" he asked.
"Yes," I said.
"How about a Big Mac?"
"That's okay, too."
"How about a Diet Coke?"
"Yes, that's okay."
"Well, how about a thick chocolate shake and French fries?"
I told him he could have anything he wanted. And then I asked if I could join him for lunch.
He thought about it for a second.
"Sure," he finally said.
We had lunch together that day, at McDonald's.
And after that, we got together every Monday. For the next 150 Mondays.
His name is Maurice, and he changed my life.
Thus begins a life changing adventure not only in Maurice's life, but also in Laura Schroff's as well. How one day when you make a small step towards doing something different in your routine, it will alter your life and take you on a different path that will make you a better person than you ever dreamed.
An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski is the true story of 11-year-old panhandler, Maurice, and a busy sales executive, Laura Schroff and their unlikely meeting with destiny that fateful day. Much like the movies, The Blind Side, this novel takes the reader into the journey of what that one encounter did for both of their lives to enhance it and make it more than they ever imagined. It also shows us just how similar their lives were in how they grew up and how it made Laura more empathetic to the situation Maurice was in.
Forced into making a living for himself since his mom and family were hooked on drugs and in selling them as well, they didn't have time to look after Maurice. This is where Laura finds him that Monday afternoon, looking for some spare change to get enough to eat and a warm place to kill time before he heads back home in the welfare apartments that he shares at times with twelve other family members.
Laura is a successful ad executive now working the USA today and is single. All she does is spend time working and finding more clients to purchase ads for the newspaper. It isn't until that one Monday that she realizes that there is more to life than simply putting all her time and effort into her job. There is a life outside just waiting and she will at least change one life, one day at a time through her meetings with Maurice on Mondays.
I received this book compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Publishers for my honest review and LOVED this warm story of hope being revived in both of their lives. Laura doesn't want to rescue Maurice and become his family, she simply wants to make sure that Maurice understands a different view of the world than what he has seen. She takes the time to really know Maurice and in return shares a part of her life that she hasn't shared with anyone, not even close family or friends. They compliment one another very well and the reader is in for a very memorable ride and an opportunity to see that there are no "chance" encounters! Hands down a wonderful 5 out of 5 stars that will restore our faith in humanity again!
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Wow! This book sounds amazing!!