We all know the signs of a heart attack and how we should seek medical care immediately when the symptoms present themselves, but is it possible that everything we have been doing in our lives have been leading us down the wrong path, heading for heart issues, cancer and disease?
In the latest book by Dr. James L. Marcum, M.D., The Ultimate Prescription: What the Medical Profession Isn't Telling You is perhaps the best eye-opening book on biblical health care that I've had the opportunity to read. Dr. Marcum is a leading cardiologist at the prestigious Chattanooga Heart Institute who believes there are two paths in life we can all walk, one that will lead us to a healthy life and one that will lead us to disease and health issues.
He takes us into the first book of the Bible, Genesis for the biblical foundations to great health, beginning with what he calls the Eden Plan. This is God's formula for what our lives should be about. Instead of popping pills for everything from stress, sleeplessness, weight loss, and medications for most preventable health issues, he guides the readers through the Bible to show you how you can achieve a more healthy, relaxed and peaceful life for the believer in Christ.
He exposes the lies the media and medical professions have been telling us about the dangers of food additives, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils and the most simple guide to a healthier inside, just adding water to our day. We all take showers to clean the outside of our bodies, yet so many of us are ignoring our internal care with stopping for convenience of fast food meals and things we can eat while we are on the go. Technology made have made things easier but at this rapid pace, we are literally killing ourselves while the pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals and the media are making profits of our preventable deaths. This book is one that every single person should read for a simple formula to get back to health, through God's Word.
I received The Ultimate Prescription compliments of Tyndale House Publishers for my honest review and have made some personal changes in my own health and that of my family. I never considered the Bible to have the formula for a healthy physical life before and believe that everyone will truly benefit from reading these profound words. I rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars and it's just the perfect book to begin your New Year's resolutions with.
For more information on this book, the author and even where to purchase a copy of this book, please click on the links below:
You can also learn more from Dr. Marcum's website by clicking here.
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