I had the most wonderful opportunity to spend my mornings with seven of the most delightful and beautiful women along with my coffee and get to know Jesus more this year. I received an opportunity to review a devotional entitled, Mornings With Jesus 2012: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul, co-authored by Judy Baer, Gwen Ford Faulkenberry, Tricia Goyer, Sharon Hinck, Keri Wyatt Kent, Erin Keeley Marshall and Camy Tang. What I discovered along with friendship and morning fellowship was a common ground as a wife and mother through this ladies.
Each day is broken down like your standard devotional with a scripture reference along with a cute story written by one of the seven ladies mentioned above, along with a closing faith step, designed to encourage you through your day with a challenge. Here's an example of what you will find inside:
Tuesday, January 24
"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." ~ Colossians 3:23-24 (NLT)
When I was in elementary school, star charts and contests motivated me. One summer I read more books than any other kid in our town and my picture made it in the newspaper. In Girl Scouts, I got a certificate and a stuffed animal for the boxes of cookies I sold. During Vacation Bible School, I won a board game for learning the books of the Bible.
It has been hard not to focus on rewards in my ministry. My attitude can change like the tide if I get a good review or a bad one. Sometimes I'm bummed if I've poured work into a project and others don't notice as I think they should.
I don't get a certificate or another trinket as I serve Jesus. An eternal inheritance is my reward. And Jesus, of course, doesn't put a star on a chart for the things we do right. Instead, He is the one who will shine bright in our lives now and for eternity. I need to remember that. I need to remember that He is the one I work for, and pleasing Him is enough.
Faith Step ~ When is the last time you worked hard and didn't get the reward you deserved? Think about the time and consider Jesus looking down on you with approval. "Well done, good and faithful servant." Write a prayer committing to Him your work and your desire to serve others for His approval. ~ Tricia Goyer
I received Mornings with Jesus 2012: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul compliments of Litfuse Publicity for my honest review and was more than blessed by the words and stories that are shared by these beautiful women. I was so encouraged because the words come out like conversations between close friends, even though I was reading a devotional. This is by far one of the best I've read and for that reason rate it a perfect 5 out of 5 stars.
For more information on this book, the authors and even where to pick up a copy of this book to encourage and bless your mornings, please click on the link below:
Mornings With Jesus 2012: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul
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