To say that Lucy Marsh is having a really bad day would be an understatement. Today she has managed to lose her job through no fault of her own, its simply a sign of the times and those times are looking up for anyone. However she has also just recently lost her father and her mother decided to skip town with her new "friend" and leave her with the job of raising her younger brother Jed, and her younger sister Eileen.
Now just arriving home with no hopes for money, she is met at her door by Mr. Cramer, her landlord, who informs her that he is selling the building and it's going to be torn down. She has a week to find suitable housing elsewhere.
Now she finds herself at odds with what to do, not only that but a man has been stalking her outside of her work and home lately and she's afraid with no one in the house but her and the children. When she opens the door to greet the children, she finds Henry Stanton of Larson, Texas who tells her that Jed has attempted to steal his wallet. He was waiting to talk to Lucy when she walked in from work.
Learning of her father's death and her mother's recent departure with another man, he offers Lucy a proposal that just may save her, but the cost may be more than she can bare. He asks her to marry his son Nate by proxy and in return will provide them with a stable place to stay and food for the children. Is this the answer to her prayer? Shouldn't she at least meet the man to see if they are suitable? Perhaps true love can come once in blue moon!
To find out just what happens, you'll have to pick up Colleen Coble's latest novel, Blue Moon Promise. She wrote this novel with a whole lot of herself put into the character of Lucy. Lucy will have to suffer through her own issues with a lack of control until she realizes that only God is ultimately in control. While we may trust God and are content to rest with what He has for us, when hard times come, we try to rely on our own strength to often instead of turning our burdens over to God and leaving them with Him. This is what Lucy will hope to learn in this novel.
I received Blue Moon Promise compliments of Litfuse Publicity for my honest review and being a huge fan of Colleen Coble's there hasn't been any book I haven't come to love. This one is no exception. As a reader, you are immediately immersed in poor Lucy's situation and often find yourself wondering just what you would do. A great story with a great reminder of trusting in God and for that reason I think it deserves a 5 out of 5 stars. This is the first book in her Under The Texas Stars series and I will be reading the rest!
For more information on this book, the author and where to pick up a copy of this amazing book today, please click on the links below:
You can also find Colleen on Facebook by clicking here.
To read what other reviewers have to say, click here.
Now for the fun part:
Blue Moon Promise is a story of hope, romance, and suspense . . . immersing the reader in a rich historical tale set under Texas stars.
To celebrate Colleen is teaming up with her publisher Thomas Nelson for a "Blue Moon Promise" Facebook Chat party on March 13 8:00pm until 9:30pm EST, where she will giveaway a KINDLE Fire and a Texas-sized gift basket (fabulous Texas treats and fun Lucy-inspired housekeeping products)!
Click the link below, RSVP today for the Facebook Party and mark the date on your calendar!
Invite your friends and don't miss Colleen's evening of chat, trivia, prizes, and more.
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