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Monday, January 7, 2013

Doctor to the Rescue

Looking for a great romance book designed specifically for Christians, then look no further than Doctor to the Rescue by Cheryl Wyatt. This novel is part of the Love Inspired series from Harlequin, that's right you read it correctly. This is the second book, I've had the opportunity to read and review as part of the Eagle Point Emergency series and I absolutely love it! Cheryl gets you emotionally involved with the characters that she breathes life into and truly makes you root for a positively romantic outcome.

In Doctor to the Rescue, we meet Bri Landis who is attempting to renovate her family's lodge that is facing foreclosure. Once considered a fine lake side retreat, it has fallen into a state of disrepair. Lacking the funds to hire contractors, she has to undertake the project herself while her brother Caleb is serving in the military. She is just about to make some headway when she falls nine feet from a ladder seriously breaking her arm. Knowing that the Eagle Point Trauma Center is within walking distance she attempts to make her way there but grows faint in the parking lot. It is there she meets Doctor Ian Shupe.

Ian is the trauma centers anesthetist who immediately takes Bri into the hospital where it is determined she requires surgery to repair her arm. Besides being afraid of surgery since her mother died while going through it, she knows with a broken arm, she is about to lose her family business and home. Ian assures her that they can work out a barter system. He can work on the lodge if she can help care for his young daughter Tia, who's mother abandoned her. It's the perfect solution for both of them seeing as the lodge and the trauma center are close by. Since Ian is often called away unexpectedly, Bri assures him that with a background in teaching and day care skills she is more than up to the challenge.

They both have a history of bad relationships in their past and are in no hurry to look for love any time soon. Yet what starts out as simply a business solution for both slowly turns their hardened hearts a little softer as Christmas nears and Bri begins to breakthrough Tia's tough shell she has put up to help her deal with loss and abandonment issues. Bri is making strides that Ian seems to struggle with and soon finds herself falling in love for the young girl. But how can she find a way to keep her distance from Tia without also falling for the young doctor as well who also appears to be changing? Will they find love after all?

I received Doctor to the Rescue by Cheryl Wyatt compliments of Christian Fiction Blog Alliance and Harlequin Publishers for my honest review. I truly found this novel to be enchanting because I can honestly see how walls can be built up to keep our hearts from being hurt again but what we fail to understand is that by building that wall to keep ourselves from being hurt, we isolate ourselves from being able to feel anything at all. That is just what Ian and Bri have done and it takes a huge amount of effort and trust on both sides to begin to tear down the wall brick by brick. There are truly so many take away quotes from this book like when Bri finds herself going through struggle after struggle and begins to question her faith, her friend Kate tells her, "It's just a rough patch in your life right now. A bottleneck of stress always squeezes the most right before things push through." I can certainly relate. I easily give this novel a 5 out of 5 stars and can't wait for more for Cheryl in the future.

For more information about Doctor to the Rescue, Cheryl Wyatt or where to pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can also find Cheryl Wyatt on Facebook to stay up to date with all her latest books.

To read more reviews from the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance tour, please click here.

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