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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The 40 Day Prayer Challenge

As believers we understand the importance and power of prayer even when it seems at times that God is silent or He is preoccupied but we know He isn't. It is the greatest weapon any believer in Jesus Christ possesses and the one we often times fail to utilize until it becomes a last resort or with less than heartfelt pleas included. We often times get disillusioned with waiting on answers as if we believe we are owed an immediate and positive response time from God. The one thing that really hit home for me while dealing with multiple crises at the same time, it that waiting is the hardest thing to do but we must not give up on prayer. In the Bible, Daniel waited on an answer for prayer which was dispatched from heaven immediately but due to a spiritual war that was happening that Daniel knew nothing about, he received his answer 21 days later, even though it was answered immediately from heaven.

That is not to say that all answers of prayer are impacted in the spiritual realm, but it is a reminder that waiting may be required in some cases. In others, the answers are immediate and to our liking and in yet others, the answer is not what we had hoped and we find ourselves much like Job, wondering where it all went belly up. But the greatest hope and weapon we have is prayer, constant, consistent and with a partner. This can be with your family members, your spouse, friends or an entire body of believers. When we partner in prayer, the Bible reminds us that we stand in the presence of God at that moment even though we can not see it. It is the most powerful prayer we can use in any situation and nothing is too great or too small for a prayer.

In the book, the 40 Day Prayer Challenge by authors and husband and wife, SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt, they are reminding us about the true value and life changing things that can happen when we partner in prayer for simple 5 minutes a day for 40 days. They are sharing the results through an online survey with Baylor University's Institute for the Study of Religion to see what happens during the 40 days challenge. I know for my husband and I that began this as a couple, we didn't see much happen at first, but then we noticed that we drew closer in a way that is hard to explain other than to say we are much more spiritually stronger, pray more over everything and have seen first hands the results on answered prayer and the strong of our faith and marriage grow since doing this.

I received The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside from a free copy of this book, in exchange for my personal and honest evaluation. The book is broken down to help readers partner in different ways from married couples, singles with friends, family members praying together, and even small church groups or Bible study classes. There is such great resources available from Scripture references and even sample prayers to help get people started on their 40 day journey. The best part is the true life stories of how prayer has impacted the lives of those that have incorporated prayer into the lives and some have been brought back from the verge of death to be given a second chance. This is a perfect resource for those looking at how to incorporate prayer into their lives more and highlights the results of what can happen over 40 days. I know you'll be more than surprised at the results in your own life as we were in our own and for that reason this one gains all 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about The 40 Day Prayer Challenge, SQuire Rushnell, Louise DuArt or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find SQuire Rushnell on Facebook to stay up to date on all his latest projects.

You can find Louise DuArt on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest projects.

To read more reviews on the 40 Day Prayer Challenge, please visit Howard Book's website.

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