Sheriff Will Jacobs never dreamed that his life would take him on the path he recently found himself on. After returning from a potential job interview as a Marshall out of town, he learns that his wife has been kidnapped from their home. Thankfully their daughter Libby, was playing with friends and wasn't home when she was taken. No clues really remain except that the people who kidnapped his wife, Emma were searching for something.
Not knowing the reasons why, Will sets out with nothing but a prayer for her safety and God's hands to point the way they are headed. He finds two unlikely companions who attempt to aid him in his search, Yann Chang, a Chinese man who is running from men who are hunting him down and want him returned to China, and Tanger, a tracker and his dog, Max. The three vow to search for Emma and attempt to save her only they aren't sure where they are headed and why she was taken.
In the novel, Northbound by Stuart F. Griffin, it seems an unlikely set of circumstances will bring about some change in the lives of the characters involved. Some for good. Some for evil, but no one will remain the same after this journey. Will's faith in God is a true testament and I love how he will be very honest in his conversations with Him. He isn't afraid to admit what he wants and what he knows God wants him to do and often finds himself asking for God's help to keep him on the right path. While waiting for answered prayer can be difficult, Will's blessed by the time he is willing to take while continuing his search. He knows that tracking someone takes much longer than simply running from someone.
I received this novel compliments of Aspect Books and Book Crash for my honest review and being such a huge fan of Christian Westerns, I just knew I would enjoy the story based on the books premise. I was not disappointed. There is room for some editing errors that I can across that could be corrected but those do not take away from the story at all. This story is a true testament that no matter how difficult the storms in our lives may be, God will NEVER leave us to navigate them alone. I rate this one a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
For more information on Northbound, Stuart F. Griffin, or where to purchase a copy of this book today, please click on the link below: