Chris is a boy that lives in a future world where precious metal is the most valuable thing in the world. So important that he would steal it to survive.
Chris lives in a junk yard with other kids, whose job it is to steal metal wherever they find it. The circus ring leader is a man called Iggy, who collects the stuff the kids steal. When Chris is chased into an old church he meets a lady priest who encourages him to learn to read beginning with the Bible. It is the one thing that is priceless in this world.
When Chris awakens to a dream of a war in the future world with robots destroying his world, he begins to wonder if the lady in the church can help him with it's meaning.
Chris tells her that he left his father long ago when his rules became too much to follow, and subsequently wonders if he can go back.
In the DVD, the Wylds, the viewers are taken into a futuristic journey of the prodigal son whose goal it is to reach the Celestial City and find his father. However he is told to beware of the path that is wide and those that would seek to deceive him along the way. The Wylds is a DVD that is geared to families looking for alternatives with a message of hope. It is produced by a company called Good Outlaw Studios and while it has a great message and storyline, some of the effects are cartoonish at best.
I would rate this movie at a 2 out of 5 stars just based on the message and storyline alone. Its special effects are along the lines of Spykids and leave a lot open to the imagination. Yet for me, this was not a movie I couldn't recommend with higher ratings,but it may be a movie that you would enjoy. It is an approved Dove family film.
I received this DVD compliments of Good Outlaw Studios for my honest review and thanks to the generous folks at Good Outlaw Studios, they are offering a giveaway copy to one lucky reader of this blog. Simply leave a comment and let me know the reason why you'd love to win a copy. The giveaway will end on 1/30/11. You must be a US resident to enter. Please also include your email address with your comment. I will be emailing you once the giveaway is over.
You can also visit the website directly for more information and reviews here.
It sounds like a very good movie I would love watch.Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to have this for my 13 year old Grandson...he is getting mixed messages from his Dad. He is sent to Catholic School, but I heard his Dad tell him that the Bible was a book of fiction. I keep praying for all of them...Please Lord open their eyes!
Oh my goodness. We just bought the new version of Pilgrims progress to watch as a family.
ReplyDeleteWe would love to be able to watch this movie too.
I really liked your review and know I would really enjoy the film. Thanks for the possibility.