She needed to change her last name. It's hard to be taken serious in a town when you last name is really Butts. So way before she was born her family had the name changed. Being a devoutly Baptist Southern belle, Georgia Bottoms is well-known in Six Points, Alabama.
The women in the sweet, small town know her for her annual women's luncheon is which is the occassion for celebration in the small town. She is known for her elaborate menu from Lobster Scallion Shooters to Pizzetta Bruschetta, to her well dressed home and finely decorated table with all the touches that Martha Stewart herself would be jealous of.
Even Georgia Bottoms herself, dressed to the high nines in Ann Lauren and wearing Chanel No. 5 is not about to be upstaged by anyone. Every lady in Six Points awaits Georgia's luncheon like a child waiting for Christmas.
But that isn't all Georgia Bottoms is well-known for, just ask the Judge, the local sheriff, the CEO at the bank, the town doctor and even the church minister. Georgia has a day dedicated to every single one of them and none knows about it but Georgia.
However, even the best laid plans can come unglued at the proverbial seams and no amount of planning could prepare Georgia for what's about to happen.
I received the novel, Georgia Bottoms by Mark Childress compliments of Hachette Book Groups and Little, Brown and Company and besides all of Georgia's antics and even living with her mother and brother, the book still rates a 4 out of 5. This book does contain some sexual content but the story is wonderful and easy to relate to the character of Georgia who thinks she has everything and everyone planned out perfectly. This book is available in eBook and Hardcover formats.
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Kat you have the best reviews! I have missed stopping by. Anne