In today's age, video games and virtual realities are becoming a bit of the norm. Yet what we don't see is how they overlap and parallel one another.
In this technological age, artificial intelligence has been toyed with but never fully mastered, until now. Using nanobots to replicate a single cell and transfer that information to a computer has been simple, but we know the human body is made up of more individual cells than we could count, much less taking all the information and storing it in one place.
We have discovered a way to compile that information using a simple program like the ones that compile information for SETI, that has given us access to personal computers when they are not being turned on to run our data through. Billions and billions of them are being linked together to translate this data and create a virtual world in which, we, are the computer generated likenesses in a new virtual world.
The one problem is that free will of the characters can not be tampered with, they must chose their own fate, and every single program up to this point has lead to self destruction of the race. Now it's up to Nicholas Mackenzie, an professor with a rare intellect at disputing the creation theory, now has the chance to prove himself correct or admit defeat.
I received the book, The God Hater by Bill Myers, compliments of Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Tours for my honest review, and was blown away by the storyline and how much it overlaps where we, as a world and technology are headed. The parallels in the lives of Nicholas Mackenzie and his virtual alter ego, and that of the son he lost at the age of five, teaches us all a different version of the price that is paid daily for the individual choices we make and what differences we can make in the lives of those around us.
I love this book immensely for the way it uses a combination of The Matrix, Tron, and The Sims, to showcase to us all where we are headed if we choose to follow the virus. Hands down one of the best books I've read to date, with an outstanding 5 out of 5 star rating. This is a must for anyone who is interested in what the story of redemption is really all about. For those of you that love all that high tech, virtual reality and nanobots, this is one written just for you.
This book is available in paperback, hardcover, eBook, MP3 and CD formats. For more information about the book, the author and where you can purchase a copy, click on the links below:
Bill Myer's website is located here.
Facebook users can check this out on Bill's Facebook page.
To purchase a copy from Amazon, click here.
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Thanks for the great review. It's always exciting when folks get what I'm trying to do!
ReplyDeleteBill Myers
Kathleen, I'm in totall agreement. I was blown away by this book :)
ReplyDeleteWhile I found elements of the story interesting, overall this one didn't resonate with me. But that's what is so great about the tour--the wide variety of opinions on a given book. :)
ReplyDeleteKat, so glad you liked this book. Your summary and evaluation was very good. Hope your readers take your review to heart! (Pun intended ;-)
Well, we will have things to discuss during this tour, because I fall in line with Sarah. I liked in your review how you brought in The Matrix, Tron, and The Sims. The book certainly has the right idea about a cultural sweet spot.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining with us!
I really like your review! I didn't think of Tron when I first read it, but that makes so much sense! =)