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Monday, February 8, 2016

Proof of Angels

You may remember a recent story in the news of a car accident in Spanish Fork, California when a vehicle overturned trapping a young baby inside. The mother was killed instantly, but when the police officers arrived, they heard a woman's voice telling them to Hurry and help! Through a series of circumstances known as Godwinks, the young baby was saved and the story impacted the world, that angels were watching over the child and leading help to where the child was trapped.

As a believer in Christ, I know that angels exist because the Bible says they do and I believe I have had my own angel encounter even though I didn't see any. The Bible is clear on their purpose and we have to be careful to test all things because we never know if it comes from God or our enemy Satan, the god of this world. In the book, Proof of Angels by Ptolemy Tompkins and Tyler Beddoes, it highlights that there are circumstances happening around us that clearly indicate that we are not alone. That there is a spiritual world that operates within our own even though we do not see it. We have to be cautious however, that we do not fall into the tendency to worship angels because they are created by God and are sent by Him to serve in whatever He has called them to do. Whether to lead rescuers to help a trapped baby or to encourage others going through a difficult time.

This book defines some of those circumstances through true stories told by those who have experienced them from 9/11 to a school bombing to even random encounters where someone's health was on the line and through a series of random events, all of these people escaped certain tragedy and feel confident it was angels that saved them all. The book primarily highlights the Spanish Fork event and the circumstances that followed with the officers involved and the media frenzy. We know that there are times where angel occurrences seem prevalent as in the 90's where angels were the main event both in the media and in the bookstores.

I received Proof of Angels by Ptolemy Tompkins and Tyler Beddoes compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this book in exchange for my fair and honest evaluation. The only thing that bothers me about the book is the limited references to what the Bible has to say on the subject between angels and demons or fallen angels. With that being said, it would be easy to see how people might be lead astray not in that angels don't exist but what their purpose is, who sends them and what their limits are. There are some biblical references but not enough to truly educate the reader in my mind that angels do exist because the Bible says they do. More references are given to outside authorities opinions on angels like Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Shakespeare, Saint Augustine and Saint Paul. There is quite a bit of reference of the Mormon beliefs and thus the reader should be cautioned to compare this to what the Bible says to be true. In my opinion, this one rates 3 out of 5 stars for me.

For more information about Proof of Angels, Ptolemy Tompkins, or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Ptolemy Tompkins on Facebook's Proof of Angels page.

To see more reviews on Proof of Angels, please visit Howard Books' website. 

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