The Best People In The World!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

I Punched Myself in the Eye

I guess when we look back at certain times of our lives, we can find humor in almost everything. Most people would laugh at things once we have walked through them and show us that joy is prevalent, we just missed it. I believe God shows us things that we often miss because we are so caught up in our own problems, but Pamela Capone has captured some of these in her book, I Punched Myself In the Eye. It is filled with random things that have happened in her life, some laced with humor, things to make you smile and some to make you realize that it doesn't always have to be right in the world to appreciate the small miracles that a smile can bring.

Pam has classified these random stories as messays, a combination of messes and essays designed to get you to see self-sabotage, imperfections and amazing grace sprinkled throughout our messy lives. There are so many different stories, 67 in fact, that one is guaranteed to make you smile if not laugh out loud or LOL as my teens would say.  Take a look at these titles, The Sale Starts at NO, Gummy Worms, Pam on the Lam, Garage Key, Lab Work, Little Miss Understood, the Dash, Take the Cannoli, The Mermaid Tale or REI. You can read them in any order but you can always find some common ground in them.

As Pam quotes about this book, "This is a collection of non-linear essays, which means you are free to move about the cabin. Some friends and family were mentioned by name. I love an awful lot of people who were not mentioned, but that's no barometer of my love for them or their value in my life. The story lands where the story lands. I'm just the catcher."

I received I Punched Myself in the Eye by Pamela Capone compliments of Pamela Capone for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this book, in exchange for my fair and unbiased opinions. For me this is a great book to read when you are feeling low, because it reminds us that we take this life to serious at times. None of us are getting out of it alive! So we should attempt to find the joy and laughter in it whenever we can. It may not be our own situation but there is a saying that laughter is the best medicine. I would advise that you take one a day. For me my favorite is The Nerve, a time when Pam had to deal with a pinched nerve and had to deal with some of the neighborhood boys when she could barely move. For me this one rated a 4 out of 5 stars!

For more information about I Punched Myself in the Eye, Pamela Capone, or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Pamela Capone on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest stories.

1 comment:

  1. Thank's for the love! I appreciate it VERY much.~Pam


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