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Friday, September 9, 2016

Seize The Day - Study Guide

Yesterday, I share with you a review on Seize the Day, Joyce Meyer's latest novel to encourage and motivate readers on how to learn to live your life with purpose and in making every single day count. What is so wonderful today, is that I am sharing with you a Study Guide that goes hand in hand with the book Seize the Day. You can either read through the entire book, Seize the Day and then follow up with the Study Guide or like I chose to do, after each chapter, I picked up the Study Guide and completed the corresponding chapter to help drive the points made from the book home for me.

There are 22 chapters in the book and thus, there are 22 individual studies you can complete on your own or in a small group Bible study. These books are designed to help you make the most of the days you have left on earth, and to help you life on purpose. Have you ever felt like life was ordering you around instead of you ordering your life? If so, like me, you know something is wrong in how we are choosing to manage our lives and even doing the important things we know need to be done. Most people live their lives day in and day out without accomplishing much of what they truly intended to. They are busy, but not sure what they are busy with. Do you ever feel that way?

I'm busy has become the standard excuse for all the things we should have done but didn't do. I truly wonder how many people at the end of their life feel they lived the life they were meant to love? How many have only regrets about the things they did or did not do during their life? You only have one life, and if it is not going in the direction that you want it to, now is the time to make changes. This Study Guide includes several parts to help you stay on track towards making those changes and to digest all the material in Seize the Day.

Get Ready prepares you for the subject matter in the chapter and reviews what was learned in the previous chapter.

Get Set digs into the heart of the chapter and gives you questions and activities to help you think more deeply about the subjects presented.

Go! Is designed to help you implement the new ideas and strategies learned in the chapter.

Remember captures the main points of the chapter as well as a scripture to remember.

I received Seize the Day: Study Guide by Joyce Meyer compliments of Faith Words, a division of Hachette Book Group for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this study guide in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion of the product. This is such a great resource to help readers understand the way we are using our time, how to make the necessary changes to have a more productive and joy-filled life knowing you are using time wisely and how to ensure we are living our lives up to the potential God gave each one of us. I love that I am able to look back and analyze my own life at 52 and decide to take charge now on how I choose to live each day, and ensuring myself that I am stepping out in God's will and not my own for what I choose to do each day. I hope that when I get to the end of my life, I have a life of few regrets and know I lived my life up to the potential God created me to live. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

For more information about Seize the Day's Study Guide, Joyce Meyer or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Joyce Meyer on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest books and resources.

To read more reviews on Seize the Day Study Guide, please visit Faith Word's website.

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