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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Scripture Doodle and Scripture Doodle: God's Promises

I've been wanting to dive deeper into the Scriptures after going through my Bible now for a third time. Even though I find new meaning each time, I revisit those familiar books I wanted more in my personal study and devotions. Now there is a great way to do just that, thanks to April Knight, author of Scripture Doodles and Scripture Doodles: God's Promises. These beautiful books incorporate a deeper study into the promises we find in the Bible along with some colorful coloring to accompany your personal or small group studies. Each of these books incorporates a six-week devotional experience for the reader through your own individual creative expressions with God.

There are enough exercises to do one per day for six weeks with a few bonuses at the end, but you can work at your own pace or with a small group Bible study meeting one a week. It is intended to be progressive, so you might want to follow the books in chronological order, but you might want to jump around to whatever inspires you or for a specific Bible Book study you might be working on. There are no rules and the only way to do it wrong is simply to not do it at all.

Some things you need to have on hand when completing either book is a Bible, a sharp pencil or two any color, pencil sharpener, a large eraser, colored pencils or your media of choice, pastels, ruled notebook paper (for lettering practice) and some blank index cards. The books come with some great tips to get you started. Each exercise begins with a Bible verse and proceeds into a creative worship activity. Don't worry about trying to be perfect, just go with what creativeness you feel at the time and let God inspire you. The books also encourage you to share your creations with others at @scripturedoodle or #scripturedoodle.

 I received Scripture Doodle and Scripture Doodle: God's Promises by April Knight compliments of David C Cook Publishers and Litfuse Publicity. For me, these books have allowed me not only to focus on specific Scriptures in the exercises but to remember these verses better, something I have been struggling with more as I get older. Now I can create something truly beautiful while I work on these each day. I would love to get a group together to work on them over the duration of a year and share not only our own artistic creations but also to see what God does in each of our lives along the way. I would easily give these books a 5 out of 5 stars.

For more information about Scripture Doodle and Scripture Doodle: God's Promises, April Knight or where you can pick these books up today, please click on the links below:

You can find April Knight on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest books.

To read more reviews on Scripture Doodle or Scripture Doodle: God's Promises, please visit Litfuse Publicity's Book Tour Page. 


  1. Those both sound really nice. I will have to put them in my cart at Amazon.

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