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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

When There Is No Miracle

"Why has God allowed this to happen to me?" is perhaps the hardest question Christians are asked. Whether it is from an unexpected death of a family member or friend, the loss of a job at the worst time of the year, cancer diagnosis for the first time or third time, or fill in the blank to any number of things you wish you had an answer for. So how do you answer any of those questions and still give someone hope?

In the book, When There Is No Miracle by Robert L. Wise is a great place to start. I know for me, I have had my own share of questions for God and often times, feel when there is no answer and just never ending silence, it can seem as if God doesn't care or your prayer simply wasn't filled with enough faith.

Yet as Christians we know that Jesus, as the very Son of God, had enough heartache to last an eternity. Not only did He witness it in the lives of the people He came into contact with day in and day out while He walked the earth, but even the brutality He, Himself, would face through beatings, the crucifixion and even His death on the cross. So where is God when bad things happen? Why do we automatically assume God is to blame for both good things and bad?

You might reason that since God is Creator He could heal someone if He chooses or stop a terrorist from killing innocent people, so why doesn't He? Is it possible there is someone else to blame than God? Is there an answer when a miracle doesn't happen for even the most dedicated person of faith? The answer is a resounding yes to all of these questions. For me, this book was a great resource for my own prayer life in helping me to pray for things along the lines of God's will but in also helping me to understand God's expectations of us and what the greater purpose might be in these situations. I believe it should be a resource in any believer's library. Using the Bible, I can now help those struggling to find answers in the world we live in today and to accept the uncertainty we will face in some of those times. One thing is clear, God is always present in all of those situations.

I received When There is No Miracle by Robert L. Wise compliments of Kregel Publications. My reason for wanting to read this book was a dear friend of mine was going through her cancer diagnosis for the third time. After battling this horrible disease twice and winning, it was heart-breaking to see this come a third time. Yet despite it all, the grief was real along with the many tears that followed, but the one thing that remains true is her undying spirit that God has NOT forsaken her, despite an incurable diagnosis. While she might not win this battle, she is looking for the purpose God is using this for. What a great example of getting through dark times, we simply need to turn to the Light and remember while we might not see the miracle this side of life, death is NOT the end for the believer. I easily give this book a 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend this to anyone wanting to know the "Why's" of life purpose when bad things happen in our own lives.

For more information about When There Is No Miracle, Robert L Wise or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Robert L.Wise on Facebook to stay up to date with all his latest books.

To read more reviews on When There Is No Miracle, please visit Kregel Publication's website. 

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