Ever wondered if there was a devotion out there just for boys? Containing topics and things that only boys want to talk about?
Well have I discovered a true treasure for you! In the book, No Girls Allowed by Jayce O'Neal, you find the perfect blend of the joys about being a boy contained with the pages of this devotional. Since this isn't geared to any specific day on the calendar, you can pick it right up and begin reading it on day one.
There are stories with the pages geared just for boys, but I know for our youngest daughter who loves the rough house that our neighborhood boys put her through most of these apply to her as well. One of the stories was about technology and the things we hear on TV and the radio. Even though the general concept can be good, it teaches that the messages behind some of the programming on both, can cause you to question whether or not it's beneficial for your life.
I found this to be a great tool for opening up conversations with my own kids because sometimes just preventing them from a program isn't what's needed. Its the why behind it all. It's even better if your kids discover those on their own and can see why not all the things of this world are truly meant for good. Coupled with games and scriptures that go hand in hand with each story the messages are well worth purchasing this for anyone in your family you believe can benefit from it.
I received this amazing devotional from Tyndale House Publishers for my honest review and think this one is a winner at 5 out of 5 stars!
For more information on the book, the author and where to purchase this book, click on the title below:
Nice review.