Emma Sweeney has spent her life wondering what her real father must have been like. From time to time, she could gather moments in time from her mother of what their courtship and marriage must have been like because he died before she was born. Her mother didn't like to talk about Jack much but when she did, Emma could tell she had fond memories of him. Yet somehow it still seemed like something was missing, a part of him she couldn't know until when her mother died from complications of heart disease, did she come across 45 precious letters detailing their love during the course of a year and a half while he was at war.
It is through those letters that Emma learns of the man her father was, how he viewed the time he spent with her mother, that he lovingly refers to in his letters to her as Blonde! It takes the reader into a different time and place, when letters home from those serving in the war, show just how valuable communication was from those they longed to hear from. She learns how Jack spent his time serving as a Navy Pilot from Texas as he moved from base to base and what he did to pass his time away.
Emma shares those letters in the memoir, As Always, Jack, a World War Two Love Story. Here we get to see how just one simple photograph is enough to anchor a man who doesn't know when or if he'll make it home and how weeks can go by without hearing from home. Yet it's through their faithful letter writing that they got to know one another and how it fanned the flames of love and gave Emma a rare insight into the man she never knew but got to know through his love letters to her mom.
I received As Always, Jack by Emma Sweeney compliments of TLC Book Tours and Axios Publishers for my honest review. Being a huge WWII history lover, this book resounded within me as well as a hopeful romantic who gets an inside look at what one man wrote to his girlfriend to keep him going through a very long war. It's beautiful, warm, and often times funny at how he talks to Beebe, with one of my favorite lines in a letter closing being, "Is you is, or is you ain't my Beebe?" Now I know just how important communication from home is for those serving in the war and my heart aches for those who may not have anyone to write home to, and why letter writing campaigns to our serving men and women is so vital today. I rate this memoir a 5 out of 5 stars and thank Emma Sweeney for sharing the love of her father and mother with all who read these words.
For more information on As Always, Jack, Emma Sweeney or where to pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:
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Thank to the generosity of Axios Publishers and TLC Book Tours, they are providing a giveaway copy to one lucky follower of my blog, Reviews From The Heart. Here are your guidelines:
1. Be a resident of the US or have a US shipping address. Please No P.O. Boxes.
2. "Like" this book on Amazon by clicking here.
3. If you are a follower of my Facebook page, Reviews From The Heart, leave me a comment telling me why communication is important to our serving men and women for an extra opportunity to be entered.
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The winner will be notified by email and posted on my Facebook page, Reviews From The Heart once this giveaway ends on July 25th. Enter as many times as you want, just make sure to let me know how you communicated your entries!
I am a resident of the USA. I am a follower and email subscriber. I would love to read this book. It sounds really good.Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
ReplyDeleteThis is the kind of heartwarming book that I truly love because it reminds me of my grandparents and the letters they exchanged during WWII. I can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being on the tour!
I hope letter writing makes a comeback! There's something special about the handwritten word that can't be duplicated by email or texts.
ReplyDeleteI think letter writing is important to our service men and women because it keeps them tied to home, giving them something tangible to hold onto. And doesn't everyone love to get mail?! There's just something about seeing your name on the front of an envelope or package that generates a little bit of excitement :) Plus, knowing that someone took the time to actually compose a letter means so much more; the stationary had to be chosen, the pen had to be chosen, even the stamp! It's a special treat to receive, all the way around!!!
ReplyDeleteThis memoir sounds lovely! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a copy.
I'm a US resident and liked the book on Amazon.