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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Don't Try To Find Me

"Don't try to find me.
I'll be okay. I'll be better.
I love you."

Those were the last words written to the parents of fourteen-year-old Marley Willits before her mother dropped her off at school. Only her mother didn't see them until she got home. Not quite sure what Marley's intentions might be, she had hoped this was merely a note telling her she'd be back later today. But the more Rachel thought about it, the more she began to fear that there was more to this note than the words she read. When she attempted to call Marley's phone, it simply rang where she had left it, sitting on top of the refrigerator. Not something a fourteen-year-old would do. Leave her phone behind. What if she really was running away? What if she didn't run away like the note seems but that she was forced to write it? What if her daughter was really in trouble?

Rachel immediately calls her husband Paul at work and they agree this isn't something they should take lightly. After being seen by a psychiatrist three years ago, they thought Marley was improving. They had left the big city of San Francisco where they believed she was undergoing a lot of stress and peer pressure to a much small suburb and a smaller school. But was there something more that they were missing. Why would a fourteen-year-old suddenly decide that her perfect life wasn't all that she believed it was and simply left? Her parents had given her everything she could ever want. Money was certainly no object in their home. Her father, Paul worked hard to make a living but he was home every night, while her mother volunteered. So what were they missing?

When checking all Marley's social media sites, they did notice she wasn't posting as much as most teens probably do, but then again perhaps Facebook and Twitter were now becoming outdated with teens moving on to other sites that their parents simply didn't keep up with. How would they ever find their missing fourteen-year-old daughter in a world where teens simply go missing all the time. All they know is that the more time that goes by, the odds of them finding her grow slimmer.

I received Don't Try To Find Me by Holly Brown compliments of William Morrow, a division of Harper Collins Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review and the opinions contained here are strictly my own. This is a chilling look at the outcome of what is happening to young teens all over the world. As parents get busy with the tasks of working and taking care of the home, teens are spending more time on the internet and we simply don't know who they are taking to or what is really going on in their lives. This novel is for mature audiences as it deals with profanity, sexual content and adult subject matter. It does provide parents with insight into taking more time and really understanding what our children and teens are doing behind closed doors as well as the things going on in their life and at school. It conveys what most parents hope they never have to deal with and gives you an opportunity to take inventory in your own home to prevent something like this from happening. I'd rate this one a 4 out of 5 stars simply based on my own personal rating system.

For more information about Don't Try to Find Me, Holly Brown, and where to pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can also find Holly Brown on Facebook to learn more about online sexual predators and to stay up to date with all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Don't Try to Find Me, please visit William Morrow's website. 

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