The Best People In The World!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

When Calls The Heart: It Begins With Heart

Looking for something that the entire family can watch that has a great lesson, keeps to moral integrity and is a fun way to spend the evening as a family? Then look no further than When Calls the Heart, a series based on the novel by Janette Oke and produced by Michael Landon Jr. for the Hallmark Channel. Now in its third season, this series follows the life of Elizabeth Thatcher, a school teacher for Hope Valley that leaves her life in Hamilton to help teach the children of a mining town that there is hope for a better life out west.

In the DVD, When Calls the Heart: It Begins With Heart, this opens Season 3 with some changes for the towns residents of Hope Valley as they are beginning plans for the New Year's Eve celebration. For cafe owner Abigail Stanton(Lori Loughlin, Full House), she plans on investigating who is stealing the food from her kitchen and winds up with two orphan children in need of a family. Elizabeth Thatcher (Erin Krakow) vows to prove herself worthy of earning the trust of Rip, a dog owned by Jack Thornton (Daniel Lissing), who comes between her and Jack as he is jealous of their romantic relationship. Sometimes the best way to a dog's heart is through his stomach, but unfortunately Elizabeth is not the best cook in Hope Valley.

Rosemary is bound and determined to use her literary skills to win a contest about real life on the frontier with the San Francisco Herald and it seems she has managed to fabricate things a bit which will pose as Lee Colter's wife when they come to see things in person. Bill Avery (Jack Wagner) is still trying to convince Jack that he is innocent in the counterfeiting ring and two visitors arrive in town to cause problems for both Jack and Pastor Frank just as he is beginning to start building a relationship with the town as pastor and win the heart of Abigail.

I received When Calls the Heart: It Begins with Heart compliments of Word Films and Edify Media Inc for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of the DVD in exchange for my honest and personal opinion. I only wish there were more shows like this on television especially for the entire family to enjoy. This is truly a great series that every single member will enjoy and for fans of the television show Little House on the Prairie, this one will make you feel right at home. It will make you laugh, cry and cheer for your favorite Hope Valley residents and well worth 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion. This is Dove Family approved for all ages!

For more information about When Calls the Heart: It Begins with Heart, Word Films or where you can pick up a copy of this DVD today, please click on the links below:

You can find When Calls the Heart on the Hallmark Channel. 
You can find Word Films on Facebook to stay up to date with all their latest projects. 

You can find When Calls the Heart on Facebook to stay up to date with all the fun. 

To purchase a copy of this DVD, please visit Amazon or your favorite retailer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Silent Sting

The honey bees are dying in record numbers on farms in California and unless someone can figure out why it will lead to untold financial loss and a rise in not only the price of honey but in agricultural crops due to the loss of pollination. Why no one can understand is why some farms are not affected and others are.

In the novel Silent Sting by Clair M. Poulson, readers are taken into the high tech world of entomology to figure out the answers along with Tiana Lambrose an assistant working alongside Professor Silverstein at the University of California- Riverside. Taking samples of dead bees found inside honey boxes on the farms affected as well as any live bees they can find in farms in the area, they seem to point to either a disease that may have been imported from bee purchases outside of California that are impacting the hives or perhaps a new pesticide is responsible. Whatever it is, they have been tasked with finding out the answers within a limited span of time.

Just when it appears that Professor Silverstein has scheduled a meeting with Tiana for the following morning, she comes across a bee-like drone she discovers in her backyard and is able to capture. It seems like a harmless prank by perhaps a young college man possibly in the engineering or science department looking to put a video of Tiana on YouTube while it caught her swimming. That is, until she shows up at the University and finds Professor Silverstein has been stung and is now dead. Is it possible that there is something more sinister at work here? What do these drones have to do with anything? Is it possible that these two circumstances have nothing to do with one another? Time is running out and Tiana is the next victim.

I received Silent Sting by Clair M. Poulson compliments of Covenant Communications for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review aside for a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest evaluation of the novel. While I was hoping for some much more than this one delivered, it was a bit predictable and redundant in some areas. The attraction that FBI Special Agent Stu Whiteleather has for Tiana is reiterated numerous times even though they are meeting for the first time and he invites her to call him Stu, seems a bit forced for readers to accept. That in itself was distracting from the story line and felt it could have been a bit more elusive in the technology used to develop the drones and why they were used. In conclusion, I would rate this one a 3.5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about Silent Sting, Clair M. Poulson or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Clair M. Poulson on Facebook to stay up to date on all his latest novels.

To read more reviews on Silent Sting, please click on any of the links below for the Covenant Communications Book Tour:

*March 28th: 
*March 29th: 
*March 30th: 
*April 1st: 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Noble - DVD Review

Sometimes we simply need to step back from our own personal lives to gain a deeper perspective into what one life can do to make a difference. So many people won't try because they feel their own efforts are simply not enough. Then there comes a person who proves that statement wrong, that one person can make a difference if they are only willing to try. Christina Noble is one such person.

In the DVD, NOBLE, based on the true life events of Christina Noble, an Irish woman with a heart like no other, she struggles to find a way to make a difference in the lives of the orphans living in the streets of Vietnam, which she feels God has led her to for some reason. Growing up on the streets herself when her mother dies and leaves her behind in the care of her drunken father and brothers and sisters, the courts intervene and place them in foster care. Christina is separated from those she loves and winds up living in a convent home when child labor is utilized to help meet the needs of the church and community. But Christina has been blessed with a voice she emulates from her idol Doris Day but which others use for their own profit and gain.

She flees from the nuns and lives on the streets making her way any way possible until she finds herself a victim of a brutal assault which leaves her forever changed. As she talks with God during her life, she has a vision of going to Vietnam to make a difference, she just never imagined she would flee the slums of Ireland to battle the government of Vietnam to save the children that no one wants.

I received NOBLE by Word Films compliments of Edify Media and Word Films for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside from a free copy of this DVD in exchange for my honest personal opinion. While this based on the life of Christina Noble it isn't a documentary but the story of one woman's courage to make a difference that is conveyed in such broad terms by the end of the movie. NOBLE is the winner of six U.S. Film Festival Awards and stars Deidre O'Kane (Moone Bay, Paths to Freedom), Brendan Coyle (Downton Abbey), Sarah Greene (The Guard, The Cripple of Inishmaan), and Liam Cunningham (Clash of the Titans). Well worth 5 out of 5 stars! Based on the content on subject matter this is not suitable for young children and teens and viewer discretion is advised.

For more information about NOBLE, Word Films or where to pick up a copy of this DVD today, please click on the links below:

You can find Word Films on Facebook to stay up to date on all their latest projects.

To purchase a copy of NOBLE from Amazon, please click here. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Playing the Part

"She was not searching for a knight in shining armor, she was searching for a partner, someone she could share her experiences with - not someone who'd want to take over her life and make everything easy for her. Miss Lucetta Plum was certainly not a lady who would enjoy easy, at least not all of the time. She was too complicated, too accomplished, and too intelligent to live a life of mundane pleasantness. She was also a lady who deserved an equal partner, not a gentlemen who wanted to set her up on a shelf, away from the messiness of living, something he'd been determined to do." (pg 146-147).

Lucetta Plum has been known for playing all the right parts in life and for her male admirers, they have become enamored with the roles she plays until they spend some time and truly getting to know her. This is precisely why she has hired Mr. Skukman as her body guard, to keep away anyone who has any ideas of becoming married to Miss Plum. When her step father Nigel shows up hoping his latest sob story might provoke some sympathy on her end to sign over the deed to the property where her mother and Nigel currently live, she is about to disappoint him once again. Knowing his chronic addictions for cards and drink, she has turned the deed over to someone for safe keeping instead. Much to her horror, she learns that Nigel has agreed to turn Miss Plum over to Silas Ruff instead as he has become a vigilant stalker of her recent fame as an actress.

For Lucetta, the situation has turned dire as she knows Silas will stop at nothing to reclaim what he believes is rightly his, even if that means it is Lucetta, herself. So she flees to the safety of Ravenwood, a place own by Abigail Hart's grandson Bram Haverstein. Abigail has been kind enough to allow Lucetta to stay with her but realizes the situation she is in by staying with her. Most men can follow the trail to where Lucetta currently lives and it will be no time before Silas Ruff does the same. So they set up a serious of decoy's to lead Silas on the wrong trail having quite a few well known men in her life, dress up like her to lead him on a wild goose chase. She just doesn't expect to wind up running for her life from a series of unfortunate events at Ravenwood, under the watchful or not so watchful eye of Bram Haverstein. Rumors of the estate being haunted abound and soon Lucetta will have her own run in with something that goes walking in the night.

I received Playing the Part by Jen Turano compliments of Bethany House Publishers and Litfuse Publicity for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside from a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest and personal review. This is such a great novel from the perspective of looking for something with a flair for humor amid a bit of mystery and of course romance in the end. I was laughing at some of the downright funny things that Miss Plum was able to pull off using her reputable acting talents and poor Mr. Haverstein who is in love with Miss Plum and even more so when he get to know the real her behind all the parts she plays. This one is a hands down 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion and now I can't wait to go back and discover the previous novels of Jen's involving her best friends who we meet up with in this one. This is the 3rd novel in the Class of Their Own Series!!!

For more information about Playing the Part, Jen Turano or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Jen Turano on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Playing the Part, please visit Litfuse Publicity's Book Tour page. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

The President

" It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christian; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! For this very reason people's of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." - Patrick Henry

In light of the upcoming presidential election, perhaps it was simply a coincidence but I would call it a divine appointment, that I reviewed The President by Parker Hudson. It is pretty much what you would think it might be about, William Harrison is the President of the United States who has vowed to work to get his election policies passed during his time in office, but without the support of Congress, the Senate or the House of Representatives, he might have to resort to some underhanded tactics. He often wondered if our original first Presidents dealt with much of the same issues and how they handled it. Perhaps that is why he found himself reading about what our nations leaders like George Washington, Woodrow Wilson and Abraham Lincoln had to do what faced with insurmountable odds in office.

It doesn't help that members of his family, like his younger sister Mary and now his wife Carrie have all found God and have made Him a part of their lives. The one thing he can't dispute is how changed they are, how much more at peace they seem and even radiate a happiness he can no longer find. But William believes he doesn't need God to help him deal with all the recent changes in policies in his term in office. From dealing with homosexuals in the military, to federally funded healthcare which includes late term abortions, the morning after pill and even a points system to determine who gets certain surgeries and who doesn't. He even has to deal with the implications of watching them happen to specific members of his own family while denying that God might have it right.

Upon further research on his own, William soon learns just how much of our own American history has been changed and altered so much it no longer reflects what it was intended to do, much like the separation of church and state which the media and the government have stripped the intent to water down its initial meaning to remove all traces of God from the lives of the people in the United States, from prayer in school to the removal of the Ten Commandments. Imagine what might happen if the President of the United States suddenly decided to run this nation by the terms set forth by God? What might that look like and how might it impact the different levels of government? What if a terrorist group suddenly gained possession of a nuclear warhead and threatened to detonate it someplace in the United States without any warning if their demands were not met? This is the very premise behind The President by Parker Hudson and it will be a book that will forever change the way you look at this nation and at the office of the President.

I received The President by Parker Hudson compliments of the author himself even though this book was previously published under Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers. This is such a great novel I can't begin to explain why everyone in the United States should read it despite your religious beliefs. This is eye opening because if we don't change the direction we are headed, we might very well find ourselves in the same situations presented in this novel. I especially love all the quotes from our founding fathers and others about how God was initially the author of the way our government should be ran and how far we have fall in just a few generations. Makes you wonder even today how George Washington or even Abraham Lincoln were to view what is happening in America today and  how they might go about fixing things. One thing for sure, government is not the answer, it is the problem with what is wrong in this country today and the willingness of its people to sit back and let the government implement more laws and policies to dictate that life for us. For me, one of the best novels I have read to date and well worth every single 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion. I did not receive any monetary compensation in exchange for a review of this novel and the opinions contained here are my own personal and honest evaluation of the novel.

For more information about The President, Parker Hudson or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Parker Hudson on Facebook to stay up to date on all his latest novels.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Love At First Note

They always say that opposites attract, but when a classic violist is coupled with a love interest who is a famous pianist who blends contemporary mash ups together, can they find a way to make beautiful music together?

Jenny Proctor takes her readers for a romantic journey into the hearts of two very different music lovers, Emma Hill who has been playing the violin since she was able to properly hold it and Elliot Hart, a rising star famous for his recent wins on Talent Hunt and viral sensation on YouTube for his amazing ability to play the piano in a unique way that draws audiences to him like a moth to a flame. Not only that he isn't too bad to look at either. But Emma firmly believes she must remain committed to her violin if she has any hope in making it her future and that is why she has sworn off of love and any remote resemblance of it in her life. It doesn't help when her roommate, Lilly tries all she can to convince Emma to at least be friendly to their new neighbor who happens to live right next door in their duplex. They are literally separated only by a wall and that doesn't keep their music from being heard in their respective homes.

Jenny commit social suicide the first time she meets Elliot and becomes more than tongue tied. In fact, everything she thinks of saying, manages to find their way out of her mouth and she confesses she loves him during their first conversation. Oh how can she manage to fix this and remain unseen whenever he is around? Is it possible that God has another plan in mind for this two music lovers?

I received Love at First Note by Jenny Proctor compliments of Covenant Communications for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation and the opinions contained here are my own honest and personal evaluations of the novel. This is a cute and quirky romance that people will adore because as we all know, love isn't something people fall into comfortably, it takes work and often times we are our worst enemy in getting in the way. You will love the chemistry that develops between the two and even their music dueling between their homes becomes something you will absolutely love. This one rates a 4 out of 5 in my opinion and will be a hit for classic music lovers as well as fans of contemporary romance!

For more information about Love at First Note, Jenny Proctor or where you can pick up a copy of this novel, please click on the links below:

You can find Jenny Proctor on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Love at First Note, please visit Covenant Communication's website or visit any of these reviewers listed below:


Monday, March 14, 2016

Bride of A Distant Isle

Since Downton Abbey, I've grown to truly appreciate traditional regency genre's and one of the very best authors I have found is Sandra Byrd. I've read quite a few of her novels and the attention to detail is what really makes me feel like I'm part of the novel not simply reading it. I can't imagine how difficult life was in England in the mid to late 1800's and when the parents died leaving behind no male heir, the fortune went the way to the next male descendant in the family, be it cousins or even more removed than that. Daughters were left with nothing, and that is why many families chose to find suitable matches for the women in the family before anything happened to the father.

In Bride of A Distant Isle, Miss Annabel Ashton has found herself in such a precarious situation. Her mother died while being committed to an insane asylum and since she was born without a father being married to her mother, the family estate of Highcliffe Hall falls under the hands of her cousin Edward. Annabel's mother wasn't married, was committed an insane, so all the property that would have been hers has been handed over to the next male heir in line. Since Annabel was too young when her parents died, she is left destitute and the only thing Edward can do to cover the debts owed on the estate is to sell it or find a suitable match for Annabel even if she isn't interested in marriage.

While Edward struggles to find a way to salvage the estate, he asks Annabel to be a spy to a possible business partner to a sea captain from Malta, Captain Marco Dell'Acqua. She soon learns that her and Marco have more in common than physical attraction when Annabel discovers some mysterious family artifacts and jewelry that begin to appear in her things. They seem to have a Maltese background and all of them may lead to the fact that Annabel is the proper heir to the estate, unless of course the mental illness of her mother starts to manifest itself in her at the same time her mother was committed.

I received Bride of A Distant Isle by Sandra Byrd compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Publishers for my honest review and did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review. The opinions contained here are my own honest and personal evaluation of the novel. For fans of traditional regency, you will absolutely love this novel. It has a bit of suspense added to keep the reader engaged in the story line as Annabel makes some startling discoveries of her mother and of her family background that could be detrimental to her own safety if they are brought into the open. I love the subtle clues that Annabel and Marco give to one another based on a sense of propriety for ones reputation during that time frame. I personally believe this one deserved 5 out of 5 stars in this reader's opinion since I read it in one sitting in a matter of hours and could not put it down. This is the second novel in the Daughter's of Hampshire series with Mist of Midnight being the first!

For more information about Bride of A Distant Isle, Sandra Byrd or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Sandra Byrd on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Bride of A Distant Isle, please visit Howard Book's website. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Ten Lies, Ten Truths

Can you say that you would know a lie from the truth any day? What if you were faced with ten stories, which considering the way society in the world today is leaning, could you separate them from the truth or would you say these stories are based on the truth? What do you think about Evolution and Darwin's theory? What about abortion? Is America a nation founded on Christian principles? Are God and Allah the same? Is there a standard for absolute truth or is it subjective? Has character become a thing of the past in light of producing results in business? Does marriage need to be redefined past traditional marriage to include polygamists and others? Should the government have a hand in how our children are raised considering most parents have opted out of their responsibilities? Are pornography and promiscuity victimless crimes? Finally, we can always work on relationships since time is irrelevant right?

Parker Hudson, creates some rather vivid and downright frightening stories that articulate each of this situations in which lies are accepted and society is spoon-fed something else in light of considering the rights of the minority over the majority as has been happening for quite some time. In light of the recent Supreme Court decisions, from redefining traditional marriage to include gay marriages and the fallout of these situations on those that hang onto God's moral and absolute truths. While these stories might seem a bit far fetched right now, I firmly believe, these will play out in the real sense from the fictional stories that Parker includes in his book Ten Lies, Ten Truths, which is illuminating the very core of our country in light of what others would have us believe.

My favorite has to be, The Vote, which I would love to see expanded to a full length novel in which each of these issues are parlayed in more detail. I think this book and all its stories will one day come to fruition and that is truly a chilling and suspenseful dose of reality I don't want to be around to see. In the story of the Vote, once a year, American citizens vote by technology the things they want to see changed and anything can make its way to the ballot including lowering the drinking age to 16 from 21 as long as the majority believes it to be in the best interest. What is worse is the value of the life of a baby is decided on points and as long as the baby scores enough points it is allowed to live, if it doesn't, it is terminated. Think it couldn't happen here in America? I believe it very well could be our future at the rate we are going.

I received Ten Lies, Ten Truths by Parker Hudson compliments of Edge Press for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest and personal opinions. I applaud Parker's insight into each of these issues and even the questions that come up in regards to Evolution, I had never heard about or even considered. I look forward to researching all of these topics through his website which is included in a reference section following each of this subjects. This makes it a great resource, because the reader can research them on their own for further follow up. I just hope America wises up before this book becomes a non fiction one over a fictional title. Well worth 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about Ten Lies, Ten Truths, Parker Hudson, or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Parker Hudson on Facebook to stay up to date on all his latest books.

To read more reviews on Ten Lies, Ten Truths, please visit

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fall of Poppies

"November 7, 1918
Brussels, Belgium

Sister Wilkins caught my eye from across the nurse's parlor of Institut Cavell. The day I'd been dreading had arrived. The British nurse had lose much during this war, though she knew better than anyone that I'd lost more. She also knew my secret, and that I'd do anything to protect it." (pg 1- The Daughter of Belgium, Marci Jefferson)

Hard to believe the life of those who survived the Great War, must have been as both survivors and those who served in the war that came back with more lost than they had going in. History is that great teacher, opening the eyes of those who weren't born then to remember a time when so many lost so much and paid the ultimate price. For some, it was simply coming home wounded and having to face a life they would no longer have.

That is just what you will find in the Fall of Poppies, a collection of short stories by nine different authors who each take their turn at weaving a beautiful story of recollection of the Great War and the results of Armistice Day, the day the war was over and celebrations took place all over Europe. They all have the same central theme but with vastly different results. I believe my favorite was The Daughter of Belgium, a story of a young girl, Amèlie, who had been her own survivor of the war along with her young daughter Hope. Left to deal with the outcome of a hospital that was moving, Matron Cavill asked her to care for one remaining patient they couldn't move, a wounded soldier that was being hunted for treason. Her only job was to see to it that he didn't starve. It was a soldier that she despised at the horrors committed to her when the German soldiers arrived at her family's tea shop and beat and raped her family.

She finds solace in knowing if she can simply return to her family's shoppe and recover a valuable painting, she might make a life for herself and Hope once the war ends. Her only problem is that the streets are still full of German soldiers who are rebelling against the end of the war, and will stop at nothing to ensure they take all they can before they are forced to leave Belgium. It will take trusting a man she has hated since being tasked with his care when the hospital relocated.

I received Fall of Poppies by a collection of authors like Jessica Brockmole, Hazel Gaynor, Evangeline Holland, Marci Jefferson, Kate Kerrigan, Jennifer Robson, Heather Webb, Beatriz Williams and Lauren Willig compliments of William Morrow, a division of Harper Collins Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest and personal evaluation. There truly is something for everyone in each of these stories and while they may simply be just well created fictional stories, these could very well be someone's true life story from the Great War. I absolutely LOVED it and will be adding this one to my collection of WWI novels in my personal library. I believe history is vitally important and these stories are just a part of that historical past!

For more information about Fall of Poppies or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can read more reviews of Fall of Poppies: Stories of Love and the Great War by visiting William Morrow's website. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Droiee Ceramic Hair Straightener Brush Review

I was so hopeful in the latest trend for ceramic hair straighteners when I was offered the opportunity to review a Droiee Ceramic Hair Straightener Brush. It look easy enough to use and as you know there is a growing trend for this product by consumers.

It is simple in theory and easy to use since all it requires is just plug it in, turn it on and wait for the brush to heat up. The LCD display offers the consumer the ability to see just how hot the product is before using it to straighten your hair by simply running the brush through your hair.

It did heat up by the smell of the brush reminded my 17-year-old daughter of stale moldy salsa. Even despite the horrible odor, she opted to give it a try assuming that perhaps the product was new and that was just the smell when first using it. However, the results fell flat. No matter how many times she tried to "straighten" her hair, the product did not work. In fact, she said the brush made her hair feel worse and caused it to frizz instead. The brush was hard to work through her hair and she has fine hair to begin with.

That being said, I can't not in good faith recommend this product. It did not work as predicted and would rate this product a 1 out of 5 stars.

I received Droiee Ceramic Hair Straightener Brush compliments of the company in exchange for my honest and personal review of the product. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from the product itself in exchange for my honest review.

The Hearts We Mend

They say the death of a child is something no one should experience, but I would conclude that the death of the spouse is often times more difficult to death with, especially when it leaves them with raising children on their own, without the financial and emotional support of a spouse. That is the premise behind The Hearts We Mend, the second novel in the Banister Falls Series by Kathryn Springer.

Evie Bennett is busy planning for her son Cody's wedding after spending the last 13 years raising him alone after the death of her husband, firefighter and town hero Max. She isn't prepared to face the rest of her life alone even though her time with the women's ministry at church occupies some of her time. Even with the support of well meaning family and friends, its not a future she is looking forward to especially when Cody claims the family dog as well. Now she won't even have the responsibility of coming home to care Diva anymore. Is this really all there is to look forward to anymore?

When Evie is forced to work with the new temporary church custodian, Jack Vale, a man she ran into late when night when she and her friend Gin were caught doing a blessing burglary. She just never expected to run into him again especially in the only place where she can find solace and meaning in her life at the moment. Yet God has plans in store for both Evie and Jack as well as those who are connected to their lives in a very powerful way, one that can not and will not be ignored, no matter how much either of them try to fight it. Despite how organized and well-planned Evie believes her life is, God has other plans in store and life will never be the same for either of them.

I received The Hearts We Mend by Kathryn Springer compliments of Zondervan Publishing and Litfuse Publicity for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this novel in exchange for my personal and honest evaluation. I love the chemistry that Jack and Evie both share, and their connection to their families. I believe it is what initially draws them together, how much they genuinely care for others putting their needs second. It disarms them to really seem the person inside instead of facing the exterior only and allows a rare peek into the heart of the person inside. I love Jack's willingness to step in no matter how appearances present themselves, like Evie's confrontation with Max's parents who hold her responsible for his death because she didn't try harder to sway him to stay in the family business instead. I was rooting for him after that episode! This is well worth a look into for fans of contemporary romance and well worth 5 out of 5 stars in this book lover's heart!

For more information about The Hearts We Mend, Kathryn Springer or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Kathryn Springer on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on The Hearts We Mend, please visit Litfuse Publicity's website.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Calling

It seems the apple never falls far from the tree and in this case Rachelle Dekker is giving her father, Ted a run for his money. Genetics must place a role in the success of her Seer series which is a blend of Logan's Run meets Divergent. A suspenseful series involving a group of people who live under the Authority in the city and they decide who is successful and those who aren't that will spend their lives living in a servant subclass to those in the city. In the first novel in the series, The Choosing, readers got a chance to meet Carrington Hale, a young girl who was raised and groomed to hopefully make a successful match in the Choosing ceremony. But her future was not to be as bright as she had hoped and was left without being 'chosen.'

Now living a life as a Lint, the subclass who serves those in the city, she has been feeling as if there should be something more to this life and when she meets a wise old man named Aaron, who offers to show her another "way," she believes in a life of freedom that the Authority wishes to curtail. If everyone started to "think" for themselves, they might not adjust to the life that had been the way of life for all who serve the Authority.

Now Carrington and her group of people known as Seers, those who see with the true eyes of the Father, must work as fugitives to try and offer people an alternative to that of the Authority. It is a race against time as the Seers, now referred to as rebels and outlaws, must be hunted down until every last one of them is transitioned into the Genesis program. It is an experiment that the Authority has tested on its own citizens in order to reprogram them through a series of injections to reprogram their neural pathways and erase all memories of freedom and choice in the second novel, The Calling.

I received The Calling by Rachel Dekker compliments of Tyndale House Publishers for my honest review. I did not received any monetary compensation for a favorable review and the opinions contained here are strictly my own personal ones. Fans of Christian Dystopian fiction will love this series as an alternative to Divergent, Hunger Games and others, and still provides readers with that same sense of suspense and heart stopping adrenaline you would expect as you are turning pages as fast as you can read. You just never know who are the true heroes and enemies in this series and wonder just where it will all go by the time the third novel rolls out. Truly had me guessing and reguessing all the way to the end. Well worth another 4.5 out of 5 stars in my opinion. A Reader's Discussion Guide is included at the conclusion of this novel that is perfect for book clubs.

For more information about The Calling, Rachelle Dekker or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Rachelle Dekker on Facebook, to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

For more reviews on The Calling, please visit Tyndale House Publisher's website.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Room for Hope

Imagine that the life you believed was truly yours was simply one built upon lies. The marriage and love you shared with your husband is not what you thought it was and the future you believed in was void and empty. That is just what Neva Shillings is coming to terms with. As the wife of Warren Shillings, a very successful traveling merchant, who leaves every other month to sell his wares on the road and pick up new items for their store in Buffalo Creek, Kansas. While she waits for him to return home along with their two children, she can't imagine a more perfect life. They never want for anything and Warren always insists that they have the very best.

When a wagon pulls up outside, she had hoped it was Warren, but it was simply another man with a wagon full of goods. Not unheard of since many were selling their wares now that the depression was hitting so many families hard in the area, so as she prepared to address his concerns, she wasn't as prepared as she had hoped. Deputy Jesse Caudel arrives with more than a wagon load of stuff for Ms. Shilling. He has news that Warren and his wife Violet are dead and the things in the wagon are what is left after everything has been sold to cover their debts including three of their children. He has been instructed to drop everything off to Neva, their aunt.

Neva is devastated to learn that all those business trips were simply an excuse to go back to Warren's illegitimate wife and family, one she had no clue about until today, along with the fact, they had three children. Knowing how kind hearted she is, Warren probably believed there was no way that Neva would turn them away to spend their lives in an orphanage, something she was familiar with, being an orphan herself. She is completely lost in how she will deal with these circumstances, and the aftermath of what the people of Buffalo Creek will think when they learn that Warren Shilling was far from being the man they all believed he was.

I received Room for Hope by Kim Vogel Sawyer compliments of WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this novel in exchange for my personal and honest evaluation. I love novels that take the reader into a part of history that conveys a sense of hardship in the midst of dire circumstances. One in which Neva has relied on her husband to provide for their financially, even though she had helped out in the mercantile. She doesn't know how to order supplies, fill the inventory or even arrange for its delivery since it was all done by her husband. In addition to the three of them, she now has managed to take on the responsibility of three additional children, in the worst of times in the country. Just the fact of her husband's affair could leave her with more problems than she ever imagined in a world where morality and character counted for everything in a families name. Well worth all 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about Room For Hope, Kim Vogel Sawyer or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Kim Vogel Sawyer on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Room for Hope, please visit WaterBrook Multnomah's website. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Come to the Garden

We can always look back at our life in times of struggle and hardship and find growth there. There is a clarity that comes with time we might miss if we aren't too careful to pay attention. Life experiences are often the best teacher. However we can fail to learn from them as well and wonder where God was in the midst of those times as well.

In the inspirational book, Come to the Garden by Jennifer Wilder Morgan, she incorporates the fictional story of an interaction between Jennifer and her guardian angel Margaret who she encounters one morning in her garden. Margaret shows Jenn through a retelling of events, dreams and visions she has had over her life, how God has been using those experiences to teach her more about the great love that God has for her as His daughter. While some situations clearly point these things out, others remained cloaked in a bit of mystery that Margaret walks Jenn through. Not everything that happens in our life can seem relevant until we can often gain some much needed godly perspective in them.

For me, this novel took me to those spiritually dry places in my own walk with God when I failed to see how He was using those times for me to grow in ways I couldn't have any other way. Only in that hindsight can we see with the clarity that God can provide when we seek Him with all our heart. Now being in my garden definitely will bring to mind this book and the ideas behind what goes on in our life. We might not always gain the insight this side of heaven, but knowing that God never leaves us in any situation despite how dark things look is a definite spiritual boost.

I received Come to the Garden by Jennifer Wilder Morgan compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside from a free copy of this book for my fair and honest evaluation. Now perhaps I know why I am always drawn to the quiet of a beautiful garden. Perhaps my own angelic encounter awaits one day, but for now I am willing to trust God in all things. For me, this one was a 4 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about Come to the Garden, Jennifer Wilder Morgan or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Jennifer Wilder Morgan on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Come To the Garden, please visit Howard Book's website. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Brush of Wings

Series of novels when you first begin them are incredible, but at some point they all come to an end much too soon. This is the feeling that I had when I picked up Brush of Wings by Karen Kingsbury, the third and final novel in the Angels Walking Series, I have loved from its inception. I hate it when things come to an end like this one did. Even though it ended as I had hoped, it is still bittersweet when you understand that there will be no more coming. Nothing to look forward to. It's like saying goodbye when you just were looking forward to so much more.

For those of you looking for a great and compelling spiritual warfare series, you might just want to give this one a shot. It doesn't really focus on the spiritual aspect as much as other novels I have read, but that is the point. You don't want to lose focus on the reason for angels being called to their mission. You don't want the focus to be all on them and not on the humans God has called them to assist. If this group of four angelic beings doing not succeed at saving the life of Mary Catherine, then they have failed multiple generations in the process. Mary Catherine is struggling to come to terms with the meaning of life. She has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and her doctor desperately wants her to consider being placed on a donor list. But Mary Catherine argues that even if she waits for six months, she isn't guaranteed a heart. She could die in the waiting, and that just isn't living for her.

She manages to convince him to allow her to go to Africa to begin work on an orphanage there for six months and if things get worse, she will return home immediately. As much as he would like to convince her to stay, he relents. Mary Catherine doesn't want anyone to know because she knows if she tells them the truth, they will not understand and will keep her home. While she doesn't necessarily lie, she isn't forth coming when her parents, her roommate Sami or the man who loves her Marcus, tries to figure out the sudden urge to go to Africa right now. So Mary Catherine pushes them away and plans her trip anyway. It's not until she has been in Africa, that things begin to go horribly wrong, and soon she realizes that all her best intentions may have been in vain when she grows deadly ill.

I received Brush of Wings by Karen Kingsbury compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest evaluation. This is so worth every single 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion and I truly loved the dynamics that developed in this final novel as the relationships between Tyler and Sami as well as Marcus and Mary Catherine played out in the manner you would hope. It shows how well God has things planned and how sometimes there might just be an angel or two involved in making it all happen without anyone's knowledge. I believe that is the point, to keep the angels in the background as supporting characters and not have them showcased in the lime light. This was a wonderful balance that worked out extraordinarily well in the end. I will sure miss this series!

For more information about Brush of Wings, Karen Kingsbury or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Karen Kingsbury on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on Brush of Wings, please visit Howard Book's website. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Red Door Inn

I have heard someone say, you can never outrun your problems and that is true. No matter how far you run, one day you will have to face them. The problem with running is that it only delays them but never makes them disappear as much as we would like. That is true for both of the main characters we meet in The Red Door Inn, by Liz Johnson. This is the first novel in the Prince Edward Island Dreams Series, and one I thoroughly enjoyed from cover to cover. Marie Carrington is running all right, the only problem is that she has run out of money before she gets to where she wanted to go. Prince Edward Island. Not to mention that she is hungry and with only a handful of dollars, she is about to come to the end of her journey. Jack Sloane can see it in her eyes even though she won't admit it, that she needs help. If his wife Rose was still alive, she would have seen it sooner. He just hopes he is able to convince her to let him. When Jack poses questions about colors on an Inn he is restoring, she seems to have all the right answers. So he offers her a job working with him and his grandson in restoring an old Inn into a Bed and Breakfast.

Jack's offer is perfect! A way to arrive at her dream location, and have a place to stay and earn some money doing what she loves the most. Feeling that Jack is just finding excuses to help her out of her dire situation however, she relents if only to get to the island. She can always leave anytime she is ready. Without it, she doesn't know what she will do. The last thing she expects is to be under the scrutiny of Jack's grandson, Seth, who believes that Marie is only after her grandfather's money. Like every good book, one can not be too quick to judge it only by the cover, but Seth knows what that feels like. He trusted his finacè until she convinced him to set up a joint bank account before they were married. Merely a technicality she called it and one less thing to worry about doing after they were married. But it soon robbed him of more than his financial with holdings, it stole his business right out from under him and convinced him that people aren't who they say they are. Trust is now a huge issue for him and he doesn't need Marie helping them to get the Inn open anyway.

It will take more than simply all of them working together to fulfill Jack's dream of opening this Inn as he promised Rose, it will take learning how to trust, how to be honest, and how to learn to love again despite the odds facing them all. It will teach them all a lesson in what family truly means and it may not just be the one you were born into that makes a difference. Sometimes it is difficulties that draw us to one another, other times, it is the desire to help when people simply want to keep walls around themselves to prevent people from hurting them anymore. Like any great restoration project, sometimes you have to tear things down to discover the beauty that lies beneath.

I received The Red Door Inn by Liz Johnson compliments of Revell Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside from a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest and personal evaluation. I love the entire premise behind this novel, a beautiful secluded island where you can't run from your problems, and that small town feel that comes with getting to know the people who live there. From the delicious breakfast treats baked by Caden that makes you crave anything Liz describes in her novel, to the charming antiques that are sold by Aretha Franklin, not the singer! This is the perfect novel for those looking for a virtual vacation into something truly wonderful! I inhaled this one in hours while sick in bed and for a time, it made my life something sweeter than it was at the moment. It took me to another place in time and when an author can do that, it's a winner in my mind. This one truly deserves 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about The Red Door Inn, Liz Johnson or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Liz Johnson on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on The Red Door, please visit Revell Publisher's website.