Ever find yourself wonder if somehow you could have a completely different life? What if you could arrange to switch places with someone who looks similar to you to see things from the eyes of another and the possibilities of a new life as someone else?
In the book Masquerade by Nancy Moser, that is exactly what Charlotte Gleason and Dora Connors do. Charlotte Gleason is from a up and coming, well-to-do family in England who has been promised to Conrad Tremaine in America as a way to solve the current financial crisis her family is experiencing due to her father's infidelity and her mother's failing health. Charlotte lives a live of dreaming of falling in love with men such as Mr. Darcy in the Pride and Prejudice books that she has come to adore and live her life through.
Dora Connors has worked for the Gleason family as a maid since she was twelve and has risen to the position of lady's maid for Charlotte. In the process, the two have become friends as well and when the offers becomes available to accompany Miss Gleason to America courtesy of the Tremaines and First Class tickets, this give Dora the opportunity of a lifetime to become a true lady traveling not as a maid but as a friend to Miss Gleason.
The twist begins just before their ship lands in America when Charlotte gets the idea to switch places with Dora and truly give her the life she has always imagined while Charlotte can begin a new life in America and find the love that has been eluding her in England as another person. Since Conrad has never seen Dora, they both agree that this would benefit both of them. Yet the trouble begins once they each assume new lives in America. Will the past come creeping back into the lives? Will either of them find love in the promised land?
Read, The Masquerade by Nancy Moser and find out what new lives each of the women are about to encounter. This is such a wonderful, and refreshing book that takes you back to the lives of Rose and Jack on the Titanic. It blends so many great classic romance stories together that you find yourself hoping that each of them finds what they are looking for. This book is set in 1886 and the romance that this time period offers is wonderful!
I received this book, compliments of Bethany House Publishers for my honest review and have to rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars and part of my permanent library.
I have this in my stack. I'm so anxious to read it. I haven't seen a negative review yet!