Two words...Joyce Meyer! Enough said.
If you know me you know how much I feel that Joyce Meyer's adds to my spiritual walk. In having the chance to meet her just weeks after my surgery was amazing. In her latest book, Power Thoughts, 12 strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind, came at a perfect time for me.
I am what you would call your classic worrier. I worry more when it deals with a situation I am personally involved with but can handle others problems so much better than I can my own. In her latest book, Joyce shows how these little, nagging destructive thoughts can do us more harm than good in both the physical, emotional and spiritual areas of our life.
Joyce teaches you how you can "daily" take up the battle and begin to replace all those thoughts that plague our lives and keep us from the true potential God knows is possible in us. There are chapters designed to help you with worry, fear, walking victoriously through any situation, pursuing peace, meeting our needs abundantly and even how to be content and emotionally stable. Oh where to start for me?
The first part of the book is for learning how to implement the change of thinking that has been going on since we were able to put thoughts together and allow us to shape our lives based on what we have thought. Joyce teaches us how to change all that bad thinking and put it into cans. After all miracles really do come in "Cans!!!" It's believing we can, and then repeating it and praying over the thoughts until we can become victorious over them.
I received this book, compliments of Faith Words a division of Hachette Book Groups for my honest review and think everyone should get a copy of this for their home. Who doesn't ever have those thoughts that plague us when life hands us lemons? I would easily rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars. For more information on this book, the amazing author and where to purchase a copy for yoursef, click on the title below:
Thanks to Hachette Book Groups, they are providing 3 copies for a giveaway. So if your interested, here's what you need to do:
1. Be a follower of my blog, Reviews From The Heart.
2. Be a resident of the US or Canada and No P.O. Boxes please.
3. I need a way to contact you if you're a winner, so please include your email address in your comment box. You can use the words (at) or (dot) instead of the symbols.
4. Leave me a comment and tell me where you are struggling in your thought life. The giveaway will end on Oct 21st.
I would love this book.
ReplyDeleteI just bought this book. I loved Battlefields of the Mind.
ReplyDeleteI am a constant worrier. As I have got closer to the Lord I don't worry as much but I need the constant reminders. I feel I would benefit from her book. A few months back when I was on the treadmill at 5AM I turned to a channel where Joyce was on. I was so amazed by her ministry and her words made me listen.
Janet Cowan
Sounds like a book I could use personally. Please enter me.
ReplyDeletedesertrose5173 at gmail dot com
i've read it and it's sooo good!! i'd love to win a copy so i can pass it along to someone else!!
ReplyDeleteI love reading her books. Please enter me.
ReplyDeleteI worry but not as much as I once did. I'm learning to give more and more to the Lord and let him handle it.
This sounds likes such a good book!
I've been wanting this book so much! I struggle the most with fear. I let my "afraid" thoughts crowd out God sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower!
It is always great to meet someone who is a Joyce fan. I stumbled across her about 7 years ago when I was going through a divorce and listened to her speaking about her past and how she struggled for years going aroudn the same mountain. I remember thinking, if God can change her then there has to be hope for me.
ReplyDeleteSeven years later I am going through some rough emotional turmoil. I have experienced many of the things Joyce has in her lifetime and while I tried to make myself believe I was past it all and I could continue to stuff my emotions; it is time to purge it out.
My struggle is a combination but it is rooted in overcoming my past. Overcoming those thoughts that have been drilled into your head, the hiding of your past and being so afraid someone will found out just how "bad" you feel you are.
Thanks for listening!
I'm a follower. Like you I'm a worrier and it seems to be worse when I'm under alot of pressure.
ReplyDeleteTheresa N
I'm a new follower - with Google Reader & excited to read more reviews in the future. I too love Joyce Meyers writings... she is so helpful.
I'd love to have the chance to read this book & share with others. God has surrounded me lately with this very thing = that I need to change my thinking. In tears the other night, to be led to listen to a podcast that was all about how He is my strength from Chip Ingram - teaching on Psalm 23! Going through depression is so hard, desiring (finally) to come out of this pit, knowing the God doesn't want to leave me there... but then there are still days I give in and go back to bed. Winter is even harder with shorter days & longer darkness surrounding me. I've battled with my thoughts I think my whole life. Sounds like a great follow up to Joyce's Battlefield of the Mind!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to win this book.
Hugs, Heather
[Sorry for the extra comment - was not sure if we were supposed to do separate comments for following/our struggle?!?]
I am 40 years old, and a new Christian. I struggle daily with my old life versus my new life as a Christian. Joyce Meyers is one of many reasons I have found God. She is someone I could have a cup of coffee with and listen to her teachings. She is very inspirational. She makes you feel comfortable with who you are. I am still learning every day and grow closer to God. My life has changed dramatically but I feel I have a long way to go. Its not easy putting the past behind you, but knowing the peace my new life brings, makes me want to keep on going. Leah lneuen1@gmail.com
ReplyDelete'god is in control'
ReplyDeletethanks for the chance to read joyce meyer's latest.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Though I have been with God all my life, I have always felt that when I said, 'God loves the world,' it did not include me. I'm still struggling with God's love for me and I think that's partly because I have hated myself for a long time. Mainly my body. I'm trying to look in the mirror and not see the ugliness that I've always felt. While I never had an eating disorder, all the other women in my family have and I know that I have a skewed sense of self because of it. But I'm trying to break it! I know it's going to take some time and it will take God, but it will happen.
I love Joyce Meyer and would love to win this book. I find I tend to worry too much but I know in my head that this shows a lack of faith in God. My email address is dorettamills776@hotmail.com My blog is http://lifeontheedge-doretta.blogspot.com. I would love for you to visit sometime.
ReplyDeleteHi, Kat...
ReplyDeleteI am now an official follower of your blog reviews from the heart.
I did leave a comment on your regular blog, Heart2Heart...and mentioned there that Joyce Meyer is one of my favorite authors.
Though I try my best to always look at life from a heavenly perspective, there are times when I have a fear of what lies ahead lurking at the back of my mind.
Thank you for sharing excerpts of her book.
I'm a GFC follower. I, too, worry about the littlest things but am working on "letting go" of things I have no control over. It's taking LOTS of practice! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for another giveaway!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I found you from the Hatchet Book Groups (which I just joined). I love Joyce Meyer. She has helped me in so many ways. The main area I struggle with is worry. I have learned so much from Joyce already, but certainly have more work to do.
ReplyDeleteI just followed your blog and my email address is: renee(at)aglimpseofbeautiful.com
I look forward to reading more of your blog!
I love J.M.!! I find her teachings most relevant to me, because she went through a lot of what I have gone through. I credit a lot of my growth in Christ to her, through watching her and listening to her preach, and reading the books I've had. This is one I don't have yet and KNOW that I need. I'm constantly battling with giving it to God and LEAVING it with Him...still learning how to truly let go of things and quit picking them up again. Joyce is always teaching us how to let go of the BAD HABITS! I NEED THIS BOOK!! cherrylistic7@gmail.com PICK ME, PICK ME!!! :oP
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm a cognitive therapist and think Joyce is just brilliant-she has not only helped me in my counseling of others but obviously has helped our clients as well. This book looks like another great book to add to the client collection. As for my personal struggle is the thoughts surrounding my weight and body image and I'm at a particularly hard time with this right now as I've gained some weight.
ReplyDeleteFollow via GFC
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
a follower of your blog Reviews From The Heart.
ReplyDeletePower Thoughts by Joyce Meyer
sound wonderful. I like Joyce Meyer books. Please enter me in the giveaway. My personal struggle is I tend to worry too much. augustlily06(AT)aim(DOT)com.Thank you.
Just like a lot of people, I struggle with being a good mom and a good wife. I also struggle with balancing everything while still trying to find time for myself. I am a follower.
ReplyDeletenancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I allow myself to be a victim of negative thoughts - a victim because often they are directed at myself. I constantly worry that I am not good enough, trying hard enough, or providing well enough for my children. Self-esteem is a problem for me.
oh man..where don't i struggle with thoughts..guilt, worry, fear, etc etc!!
ReplyDeletechristyplus2 AT gmail DOT com
I struggle with trying to do too much and get everything done.
ReplyDeletejanetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com