The Best People In The World!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Signs in Life: Finding Direction in Our Travels with God

We see them almost everywhere we look, more especially when we are driving. Signs. Wrong Way. Turn Right. Stop.Yield. School Zone. Rest Area. One Way. Road Narrows. Scenic Viewpoint. No U-Turn. Construction Zone. Yet how many times do we look at these signs as meaning something more. Perhaps the direction we are headed in life might just be the "wrong way." Perhaps our way over what God has in mind for us, and we won't change course, until circumstances happen that cause us to re-evaluate those plans. Perhaps the reason we receive a ticket isn't to make the city money for your oversight but to help you realize that when we plow ahead with our plans and leave God behind, He will find a way to bring us back on the path that He has chosen for us instead. So why do we fight it? Why do we struggle to have it our way over His way?

Deanna Nowadnick takes readers into her own memoir in Signs in Life: Finding Direction in Our Travels with God. She illustrates some of those unique moments in her own life, that now of course, looking back in hindsight offers that precious view that God has always had of our parade. While we were just watching it one part at a time, He sees it in its entirety from beginning to end. How wonderful His plans are for us, over what we struggle to challenge Him with in taking over our own life, thinking at times that we know better than the One who created us. Along with her personal look back at those choices she so openly shares with us, she also invites readers to journey through some exceptional parallels in stories taken from the Bible that seem to mirror one another. At the conclusion of each chapter, she offers readers a Rest Area, to take a hard look at their own life and see how some life questions she poses might just help us see these "signs" with a little more clarity, when viewed from perhaps the way God sees them.

I received Signs in Life: Finding Direction in Our Travels with God from Deanna Nowadnick compliments from the author herself for an honest review of this book. I did not receive any monetary compensation, aside from a free copy of the book for my honest evaluation. While I can honestly say it wasn't my favorite book, it does offer some probing looks into our own choices we make in life. I know if I were to write something favorable people may or may not like the stories I share from my own personal life, but that is the beauty of writing a memoir. It keeps our memories alive by the stories we share. Whether from telling them to someone else or reading them through a book like this. Connections are made. Relationships can be restored, and lessons can be learned through shared similar experiences and for that I applaud Deanna for putting it out there for others to learn from the things she has shared in this book and perhaps that was just what she had in mind in writing this, for us to take a self evaluation of what stories we would share and perhaps tell them while we still have time to those that can benefit from them. In this reader's opinion, I'd give this one a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

For more information about Signs in Life: Finding Direction in Our Travels with God, Deanna Nowadnick or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Deanna Nowadnick on Facebook to stay up to date on all her latest books.

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen, I appreciate your time and review. I love those special circumstances in which God connects and reconnects with us. Our God is truly an amazing God!

    Blessings this day and always!


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