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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Talent for Trouble - Giveaway and Review

Just how much trouble could it be being the wife of a pastor? For Felicia Murdock, she will soon find out it is definitely more than she could ever dream of. She dreams of trying something new and she finds it is more work than she dreamed of trying to live up to her expectations of what a pastor's wife should look like. Sometimes we spend so much time trying to live up to everyone's expectations of what you should be doing, that in a sense you lose who you really are. That is just is what happens to Felicia in the latest novel from best selling author Jen Turano who is definitely on my MUST HAVE list of books. Anything that she has written, I have loved and she truly speaks to a place deep inside a women's heart in all of us. Perhaps that is why I find myself relating to her characters she creates in her novels. Yet in this case with all her best intentions, the pastor, Michael Fraiser, she believes she was destined to marry, instead marries someone else.

Now suddenly everything she believes is right is called into question and soon Felicia does a 180 from where she was at and finds the real person beneath it all. One that might even turn the head of Grayson Sumner, Lord Sefton, a respectable New York business, who is asked to lift Felicia's spirits. Soon however their personalities collide and it's the fire between them that has you rooting for a romance between the two. I mean, who doesn't want someone like Felicia who has just spent the last four years of her life transforming herself for a man, to suddenly fall into the arms of someone like Grayson!

Jen Turano definitely writes her female characters with a strength and sass that for the period in history is rewarding. Deep down inside, you know despite all that proper upbringing is a girl who is striving to just break out and be herself instead of what society dictates for her, just like Felicia. Fortunately for Felicia, her friends Agatha Watson and Eliza have just what she needs to get her out of feeling so down in the dumps. They have all kinds of outlandish plans to place Grayson and Felicia together and at times leaves Grayson being the one to rescue her when they turn ugly. All this just sets the stage for love to blossom and for the two to fall in love before the end of the novel. But it can't be wrapped up just that pretty. Soon Felicia discovers that Grayson has a secret past and once she learns the truth, will she really want him after all?

You'll have to pick up a copy of A Talent for Trouble to find out from Jen Turano. I received this novel compliments of Bethany House Publishers and TLC Book Tours for my honest review and did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review. The opinions expressed in this review are strictly my own. I LOVED this novel and can't wait for more from Jen Turano. She is one of those authors when you see a new novel debuting, you have to pick it up because you know it's going to be great just like this one was. I rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars.

For more information about A Talent for Trouble, Jen Turano or where you can pick up a copy of this novel today, please click on the links below:

You can find Jen Turano on Facebook to stay up to date with all her latest novels.

To read more reviews on A Talent for Trouble from the TLC Book Tour, please click here. 

 Now for the best part...

Thanks to Bethany House Publishers and TLC Book Tours, they are giving away a copy of A Talent for Trouble to one lucky follower of my blog, Reviews From The Heart. Here are the details to enter:

1. Be a follower of my blog Reviews From The Heart.

2. "Like" Jen Turano's Facebook page.

3. Be a resident of the US or have a US Shipping address. No P.O. Boxes please.

4. Leave a comment below telling me why you'd love to win a copy of A Talent for Trouble, along with your email address. You can use the words (at) and (dot) instead of the symbols. I will notify the winner of the giveaway by email once it ends on November 21st.

  • Paperback: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (October 1, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0764211269
  • ISBN-13: 978-0764211263
  • Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 1.1 inches


  1. I am wanting to read this book. I have the others in the series and am loving them This is a must read for me. I have liked Jen Turano's facebook page and I have subscribed to your blog by email

    wwchildren at gmail dot com

  2. The cover tickles me. I would love to see how much trouble she can get into. Every review I have read makes me want to read it even more.

  3. Wonderful giveaway which interests me greatly. many thanks. for this chance. I subscribe to Jen Turano's facebook page. I have subscribed to your blog and I am in the us. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. I'd love to read A Talent for Trouble! I've loved Ms. Turano's other two books and have been eagerly anticipating this one! I can't wait to see what kind of trouble Felicia gets into (and drags Grayson into as well). :)
    Thanks for this opportunity!

  5. I already follow Jen on FB, Have read all her books to date. Am looking forward to reading A Talent For Trouble. Thank You

  6. I love her books. Would love to win this one. Thereadmaster[at]me[dot]com

  7. I'm a subscriber and liked Jen fb page. I'd love to read the book A Talent for Trouble.
    Theresa N

  8. I read good reviews about this book and read that Jen Turano is a great author. I use to be a single working woman who could buy all her books. Now I'm a recently disabled woman because of a medical error with serious health complications that lives on a very limited income. I've loved to read since I was a child. Now I have to try to win the book or hope my library may have it. I subscribed to your blog and I had already liked Jen Turano's facebook page. Thank you for the chance of winning this giveaway and please enter my name.
    Barbara Thompson

  9. I would love to win 'A Talent For Trouble' because I am a fan of Jen Turano's work and would love to read this new book in the series.

  10. I just signed up to follow with google friend connect and I am already a FB fan of Jen Turano's. I would like to win because I have read and enjoyed her other books. Thanks! cajohannes22 at

  11. This cover looks so cute, and I am sure that this is another great book from Jen. Her other books are quite captivating and something tells me this one is also. Sonja (dot) nishimoto (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. I am a facebook fan and google friend. I would love to read this book. A preacher's wife constantly getting into trouble. I have to know what Felicia does. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one and rated it so highly. Another hit for this author!

    Thanks for being on the tour. I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

  14. I like the cover of the book. I enjoy historicals and Christian fiction and think I'd like this. I follow by G.F.C. as Michelle Fidler.


  15. Oh my yes. I want this so bad. Have been following it everywhere. I love this cover so much, and it sounds like it will be very good. I am a follower of your blog. I have liked Jen's Facebook page, and I am a
    resident of the United States. Please put my name in. Thanks.
    Maxie mac62(at)me(dot)com


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