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Monday, May 4, 2015

Water From My Heart

In most of our lives, we wonder if the path we began on can ever change. For some of us, we believe that it is simply too late after we have been on that path for too long, especially when you're doing something illegal. For Charles Finn, he knows that if he can keep himself on the path without any connections to family, or any type of involvement in any relationship, it will benefit not only himself but those around him. It is also a very lonely lifestyle to live when you realize in looking back, you have absolutely nothing to show for it except money. Those that flock to that are often only looking out for their own best interests and will only hang out until the money dries up.

For Charles, he knew that he was always great with numbers especially after graduating from Harvard with an MBA in Finance. But he was only interested in what he could get out of life and nothing more. From learning how to win at cards, he took advantage of those who were not as educated as he was in both life and learning. He soon gained the attention of Marshall Pickering, not with his business mind, that would come later, but it was his interest or apparent lack of interest he showed in Amanda, his daughter. While most tried hard to gain Marshalls attention through dating Amanda, Charles knew how to play the man better than he thought and soon gained both, a place in Marshall's business world and the option to date Amanda, even though he kept that on a casual basis.

But working with Marshall soon gave Charles insight into a corrupt business world that would forever change the path he would remain on. As long as he didn't get caught using his valuable life skills he made both Marshall and himself a lot of money running drugs to Central America and gaining the financial acquisition of a coffee company that cornered the market on organic great tasting coffee that went beyond anything the world had ever tasted. It would be that obsession in doing whatever was needed to take over that company that would come back to haunt Charles in his immediate future. Is there a way for a man to gain redemption and acceptance or is he forever doomed to a life of immeasurable consequences?

I received Water From My Heart by Charles Martin compliments of Center Street Publishing, a division of Hachette Book Groups for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation for a favorable review and the opinions found here are strictly my own. What I loved more about this novel wasn't so much the story that surfaced from true life events but the author's own self discovery of who God was in the process of researching this novel and how he couldn't deny the existence of God any more. I think for readers that is such an important moment that is shared when after reading this, you discover how it all came to be. That is how God-moments occur on a personal one on one basis, and God meets you in a very personal way that you are forever touched and can never go back. This novel alternates between current time frames and Charles past so you can see how they all converge to where he finds himself trying to come to terms with who he is and trying to find a way to change for the better by those wonderful people he meets along his journey. I rate this one 4.5 out of 5 stars in my opinion.

For more information about Water From My Heart, Charles Martin or where you can preorder a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

You can find Charles Martin on Facebook to stay up to date on all his latest novels.

To read more reviews on Water From My Heart, please visit Center Street Publishing's website. 

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