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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Trial by Fire

"These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls." ~ 1 Peter 1:7-9

If you have ever wondered if there is a world within and around our own that can not be seen with human eyes, then look no further, for the Bible tells us that this unseen world exists. One in which demons and angels dwell and can either benefit humans for good or evil depending on the eternal state of their souls. Eric M. Hill has woven a world that enables the reader to see that realm and see the influence it can have in our lives. While some may chalk this up as another exceptional fantasy novel, believers in Jesus Christ, know this is true. Fans of Frank Peretti will love the Fire Series, and with it the second novel, Trial by Fire. Since this is part of a trilogy, it would only benefit the reader to read them in order as the characters are ongoing and you need to understand things from the first novel to understand where this one is going.

Trial by Fire takes readers into the culmination of what was slated to be the city of Atlanta's destruction by disease and plague but was thwarted by Jonathan Banks and Edwin Styles who rally together to fight the world unseen to most by is wrecking havoc on those around them. Beginning with Edwin's church. Since the initial plot from the demon known as the Mighty Bashnar failed, he has obtained heavenly permission from God to enact the Job strategy on those whom he calls his enemies. Like Job from the Bible, the Mighty Bashnar is given limitations to how far he can carry out his demonic plan and since there are those within the Styles family who have yet to give their lives to God, it's a no hold barred feast.

With only the death of their son Christopher fresh in their mind, Edwin is losing sight of his faith as his family begins to become victims of a paranormal activity that has been orchestrated from hell against them. If he can't wake up before its too late he will lose more than just his family but the entire community in which his church resides. Jonathan isn't going to be as much help as before because he has his own spiritual battle he must face when his wife's mother falls into a coma that doctors are less than optimistic she will recover from. Knowing he has healed others, his wife Elizabeth begs him to heal her and when it seems that isn't likely to happen is willing to take matters into her own hands with another healer who promises results.

I received Trial By Fire by Eric M. Hill compliments of SunHill Publishers for my honest review. I did not receive any monetary compensation aside from a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest and personal review of this book. All I can say is just when you think Eric can't delve any deeper into the spiritual realm, you find yourself blown away again. This is a well written and divinely conceived novel that will cut through the cords of the deceptive mind and only with a mind willing to hear the truth is it all revealed. This is not a book the enemy wants you to read because then you will see with the clarity and perception of heaven and prayer will become something more than a passing thought but one you fight clearly on your knees with your Bible wide open. This one deserves a heavenly 5 out of 5 stars and now I can't wait to finish the trilogy with Saints on Fire, something I hope I'll become at the conclusion of this series. It is already impacting my own personal spiritual walk in many impactful ways. The first book in the series is Bones of Fire.

For more information about Trial by Fire, Eric M Hill or where you can pick up a copy of this book today, please click on the links below:

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