What would you think if the information we have learned about in school on so called "Fossil Fuels" was all wrong?
What if it was more abundant that anyone ever thought and not only that but it was a renewable one?
How would that affect our world's economy and the power of those that have control over oil production now?
In the latest Christian, science fiction, suspense thriller, Maximal Reserve by Sam Batterman, uses those questions as a basis for the premise of his story. Axcess Energy is the newest up and coming company that promises that it will change the economy of the world through finding new sources for energy that would reduce our dependence on oil production.
Ripped from recent headlines, this vast and unknown oil reserve is located directly underneath Israel. If they could harness this, it would make them, the largest country to have oil over all and drastically change the way the world views Israel.
Philip Channing is hired by Dr. John Chambers to work for Axcess Energy as a geologist, to use the data they are uncovering beneath the mid-Atlantic ridge and find a way to tap into this source of oil and natural gas that lies deeper than anyone has ever known. It will be the ultimate job of a lifetime, until he discovers that people are willing to kill to keep this discovery unknown.
I received this book compliments of Bring It On Communications for my honest review and actually learned so much about the new theories about oil production and what really lies beneath the earth's surface and how far science may have gotten it wrong. I rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars and would highly recommend it considering just how close this book is, to becoming not just a fiction based one but a true story after the discovery made in Israel recently.
For more information about this book, the author and where to purchase a copy, please click on the link below:
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