If you have been reading the headlines in the newspaper or watching the latest on the news, you know that the signs that the Bible predicted for the last days are fast approaching us.
Do you really know which signs to look for?
In the book, What In The World Is Going On? 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Afford to Ignore by Dr. David Jeremiah, you are given 10 prophecies straight out of the Bible that are predicted to in the times that lay ahead. There is also a chronological checklist and guidelines for sorting through what lies ahead in the days or months to come. The book also contains scripture references in the Bible to reflect on what the Word has to stay in regards to the prophecies yet to be fulfilled.
How is prophecy playing out in modern Europe? Why does Israel matter? How are oil reserves and Islamic terrorism related? Does the United Sates play a role in prophecy? How should we live in the end times?
Even though the times ahead appear to be dark and without hope, those of us that have Jesus Christ as our personal savior now, will not see most of these prophecies fulfilled. The book talks about the rapture of the church long before the Tribulation period begins and the Anti-Christ begins his reign here on earth.
This book is an eye opener for those that are still sitting on the fence with their choice and trust me, you don't want to be here for Earth's final days. The wars we have had in the past will seem like skirmishes in the last days.
I received this book compliments of Thomas Nelson Publishers for my honest review and being a huge fan of prophecy of the Bible, this one rates a perfect 5 out of 5 stars. For more information on the book, the author and where to purchase a copy, please click on the title of the book below:
Sounds like a must read.