What if you could buy anything you wanted, at any time? What if you had servants to wait on your every desire...had numerous glorious homes, clothing, and jewelry...and could take extended vacations on a whim? Would you be happy? Or is there something deeper about life that money cannot buy?
Yet underneath all of that money and power lies stories of adultery, murder, embezzlement and unrest. People who will never be satisfied. People who thirst for more out of a life that has already given them "everything."
Yet the one thing they are searching for remains, because it's the one thing money can't buy and that's love. Yet they simply didn't realize that they couldn't buy it.
Set in the 1896, two Price sisters are about to experience this over the course of their lives in the novel, Heiress by Susan May Warren. Esme is the oldest, therefore, she is the one who will be promised and married into an affluent family that will only increase the financial holdings of her family as well as enlarge her influence in society circles of such elite as the Astors, Vanderbilts, Carnegies, Rockfellers, Roosevelts and JP Morgans. However Esme has no such desire for the world of the opulent and wealthy. She desires to be a journalist, speaking out against the crimes against the lower working class people in America, only women were not encouraged to share in this type of work, even though her father, newspaper magnate, August Price owns the Chronicle. Will she rebel against her families wishes for marriage or will she find her place in society after all despite her longing for love?
However, the social circles and lifestyles of the wealthy appeal to her younger sister, Jinx and she can't wait for her older sister to be married so she can be seen by the wealthy men and hopes to marry soon. When she realizes that Esme will not marry Foster Worth, a very wealthy man who has proposed to her sister, Jinx and her mother make plans for her to marry him instead. However what Jinx will get from this marriage is not what her heart longs for despite how much money Foster makes. Will she be doomed to a life in a loveless marriage where the only thing Foster wants is a heir to his families fortune?
In the novel, Heiress by Susan May Warren, the reader is in for a surprise as this is a modern day twist on the biblical story of Esau and Issac, where the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. Just when one sister thinks she has it all figured out, she soon learns that that her timing would have saved her from a lifetime of mistakes and pain. This is the first book in the Daughters of Fortune series, and one I simply could not put down once I started it. After finishing it in a few hours, I was immediately sad because it was over so quickly. Yet the message behind it lingered. Too often we may think we know what's best for us, but sometimes it's much better to wait on God's timing in it all.
I received this book compliments of Litfuse Publicity for my honest review and LOVED it! This is such a powerful story of what happens when we take our lives in our own hands instead of merely waiting on God's timing. The consequences that result can be painful instead of simply being patient. A very valuable lesson and this story illustrates it well in the lives of Esme and Jinx! I rate this novel a 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend this one for a modern day parable on what happens when you take things into your own hands. This book is available in paperback formats.
For more information on this book, the author and even where to get a first chapter glimpse, please click on the links below:
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