Mary Tobin is blessed to be a woman who is not only successful, but has a great love of family and adventure for the outdoors. Working as a historical preservationist in the city, she loves to get away from the busyness by heading to Silver Falls where she has spent her childhood becoming familiar with the mountains, lakes and hiking trails she has come to love and adore. She finds this is where she can connect with God and her grandmother, who passed away a few years ago. It's also where she can feel at peace with her life.
While her and her boyfriend Kent spend the weekend in the mountains hiking, they come to the aid of a little girl, Charlene, who has followed her dog chasing a robin and has managed to sprain her ankle. When they take her back to her home, they find out she is the current resident and owner along with her father of the Christmas Lodge. This is the place Mary and her family have spent countless years and memories as a family and learn that it's in a state of disrepair.
When she meets the owner, Jack Rand, Charlene's dad, she offers to find out if her company will provide the funding through a grant to help with restoration. Lucky for her as well that her father and brothers own a contracting company and can provide an analysis for how much work it will take to bring it back to its former glory.

I received this heartwarming and charming DVD compliments of Propeller for my honest review and have to say as one who collects Christmas movies, this one has found a home! I LOVED it! Not only is it a Dove Approved family movie, the message behind the movie is one that we all need to remember during the busy holiday and that family is really what is the most important gift of the Christmas season and the memories we make year after year. I am so proud to be honored with reviewing this Thomas Kinkade movie and rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars.
Thanks to the folks at Propeller, they are providing a giveaway copy to one lucky follower of my blog, Reviews From The Heart. Here's all you need to do to enter:
1. Be a follower of my blog, Reviews From The Heart.
2. "Like" my page of Facebook, by clicking here.
3. "Like" this review on Facebook, by clicking here.
4. Be a resident of the US or have a US shipping address. Please No P.O. Boxes.
5. Leave a comment and tell me why you'd love to win a copy of this movie along with your email address. You can use the words (at) and (dot) instead of the symbols.
The giveaway will end on November 10th and I will contact the winner at that time.
Here's more information about the movie and where you can pick up a copy today!