Oh I would never know how much this book would mean to me or how much of a comfort it is to anyone who has experienced loss whether it's someone we love or even a pet we hold dear to our hearts. This book provides the hope we need to know that we will see our loved ones again in heaven as long as they are a believer in Jesus Christ.
It's also an amazing book to use to show you what heaven is like, what happens when we die, what is hell like, what are the roles of angels and demons in this life and just what near death experiences can show us from those that have been to the other side and have come back. It also details various stories of those people on their last moments who have had the opportunity to share what they see just moments before they pass over to the other side.
This book provides a wide variety of stories such as angels watching over us during our day to day lives, rescues from angels when we are at risk, glimpses of heaven from those who have crossed over to the other side when they technically have died only to be sent back. There are loved ones waiting for us, pets that have passed on before us and the most beautiful descriptions of heaven, the houses that are there for us believers as well as the peace, music and love that fills them the moment they step across. The best part is that Jesus is waiting for us on the other side where there will be no more tears, sorrow or pain and the best part is, we will never be separated from those that we love ever again.
This book also takes the reader into the dark side of death and provides some detailed accounts of just what hell is like and how dramatically it changed the lives of those that were able to come back and make sure they didn't wind up there permanently. The book also provides some accounts of those who have dabbled with the occult only to wind up with an evil demon living in their house. It also tells you about ghosts and how we should not be seeking to communicate with anyone or anything that have passed on. To do so is tempting fate with evil.
I received this book as a free Kindle eBook and the opinions expressed are merely my own. Encountering Heaven and The Afterlife by James L. Garlow and Keith Wall is a must have for anyone. It gives us all hope that this is not the end when we die. There are many many stories including one of the authors own personal account that will definitely make you a believer. I personally recommend this book to anyone going through the grieving process or who have experienced a loss. This one rates a perfect 5 out of 5 stars in my opinion. This book also uses the Bible as a guide to define what will happen to us all and as a basis for what stories are based on what the Bible teaches us about death, angels, demons, heaven and hell!
For more information on this book, the author and where to pick up a copy of this book, please click on the link below:
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