Isambard Dunstan's School for Wayward Children is a place that is filled to the brim with orphaned children. Sadie and Saskia Dopple are identical twins in every single way except for the colors of their eyes. They have even been known to sense one another's thoughts and know when the other is in danger.
When Muzz Elliot, a wealthy woman shows up one night in search of an heir to adopt, she takes Saskia and leaves Sadie behind. How will they be able to cope being apart for the first times in their life? The only hope remaining for Sadie is her friend, a boy named Erik Morrissey Ganger. He was left behind one night when his their/father abandoned him on the steps. He never came back. He is the only boy in the home but likes earning an honest living even if it's one cooking and cleaning. At least he isn't stealing.
Meanwhile Saskia learns the secret of her adoption to Muzz Elliot. Legend has it that Muzz's grandfather hid his treasure when the great Potato Famine came to prevent it from being stolen. The sad thing is that he couldn't remember where he had hidden it. When an unexpected visitor shows up in Saskia's room leaving behind a key, the adventure truly begins in search for unanswered questions and secret treasures.
I received the book The First Escape - The Dopple Ganger Chronicles by G.P. Taylor compliments of Tyndale House Publishers. After reading the sequel some time ago, The Secret of Indigo Moon, I had to see how this story began. For fans of children's action adventures like Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia, then you will fall in love with these books. They are written for young adults to keep them engaged from the first page. A combination of comic book and written words, this book makes time fly and keeps the reader completely engaged in the story.
My kids both 17 and 12 loved this book and have to say its unlike an book either of them have ever read. I would rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars. So if you are looking for a book for children 8 and up, this one is a perfect place to start!
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