Funny sometimes how simple life can be defined when you use analogies that you can easily relate to. For most of us, seeing our pets unconditional love displayed for us, is an easy one for us to relate to. It's simple and it makes perfect sense. No matter how you treat your dog or lose your temper, once you ask for them to come to you they will usually comply. Of course we are talking simple things like yelling at your dog for digging in the backyard again.
So when you see the parallel of how God is so easy to forgive us when we call out to Him, why is it so difficult to make the same comparison. God doesn't believe that we need to be put in a perpetual time out, no, He wants to restore that relationship as quickly as possible because like our relationships we have with our pets we want the very best for them as often as we can provide it.
In the book, What My Golden Retriever Taught Me About God by Rhonda McRae, she uses the times she spends interacting with her own Golden Retriever, Sadie, to show us the easy parallels we can relate to. I love how simply she lays it out for the reader when showing full, unrestrained joy that a dog will display when their master returns home. Tail wagging, boundless energy, tongue hanging out, so much so that can't sit still. So why don't we see that same joy when we return to God's presence?
Rhonda shows us the different ways we can begin to see the subtle changes in our own lives by simply changing our own thought processes and see them through different eyes, God eyes! Then we can begin to truly live in the moment, seeing God in all things, and experiencing all the best God has in store for us.
I received the book for my Kindle compliments of Net Galley and P & R Publishing for my honest review. I think this book does an outstanding job at explaining just how simple our relationship with God can be and it's us that over complicates the process. This book rates a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
This book is available in hardcover, CD, MP3 and eBook formats. For more information about this book, the author and where to pick up a copy of this book, click on the link below:
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