Who would have thought that an unplanned, unexpected event would unite six, very different women from all walks of life and bind them together forever?
When a group of extreme terrorists take over the international terminal at LAX, gunfire erupts, killing random people, from the oldest to the youngest without so much as a thought for their welfare. As bodies begin to pile up where they once stood and in some cases ran for cover, a group of women find themselves locked behind the shelter of an employee break room door. Now as the gun fire slows, they huddle in silence unsure of where their fate lies.
While one of them remains wounded with bullet hole in her shoulder, each of these women will play a part in helping them survive until help arrives.
Sophia, who is the largest woman, most have ever seen becomes the official leader of the group. She maintains control over the security of the room, moving a vending machine in front of the door to prevent anyone from gaining entry into their hideaway. She tends to Erica, a young, black woman who is shot and needs to control the bleeding before she sleeps any further into shock. She utilizes needle and thread she obtains from Pearl, a homeless woman who was sleeping in the room before the chaos broke out in the terminal. Pearl seems to be their saving grace with all kinds of things she has kept with her along her travels on the street. She has been named the official person you'd want to have with you if you found yourself stranded on a desert island.
While Sophia tends to Erica, who remains in and out of consciousness, Pearl begins to round up the food supplies from the vending machines, and helps Betty, an overweight, woman deal with the affects of the situation by vomiting in the bathroom, and then cleaning it up to maintain a sense of normalcy.
Heddi, is the psychiatrist who has been treating Betty in her practice while coming to LAX to retrieve another patient, Ondine, who was arriving from France when the shooting began. Heddi feels she needs to be the one to take a leadership role since she is the one with a college degree in psychiatry and needs to do whatever it takes to help these women keep calm until help arrives. She insists that they tell stories about their lives to help them get to know one another, and a way to pass the time until they can be rescued.
In the novel, Commune of Women by Suzan Still, the stories that the women share during their time locked in a room awaiting rescue, will help the women unite in more ways than one, through the telling of some graphic stories of how each has arrived at where they are at today not just in being at the airport but who they are in spite of their circumstances. Some of the stories are horrifying and filled with graphic images of just what some of these women have endured in their life, but in the end, it will unite them and bring about some positive changes in each of them.
I received this book compliments of Pump Up Your Book Tours and Suzan Still's for my honest review. The story is well written and the situation one that could happen to any of us. There are some strong uses of profanity and graphic sexual images that come across in some of the stories that are told that may offend some readers. However, these stories allow the reader to understand the people that are present in the room today and how these life events changed them. I would rate this book a 4 out of 5 stars based on my rating criteria. I LOVED the book and how these women managed to use their strengths to help them weather this traumatic situation together.
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