Some people spend their whole lives in the quest to have enough money, to live comfortably and to be able to provide for their families whatever they need. The Loecken family finally after long and difficult struggles achieved what most would call the pinnacle of success. They now owned a 4500 square foot home, had two cars paid off, just finished decorating and upgrading their home and were in the process of purchasing a boat. Life for them was so good they even compiled a list of wants that would estimate to cost about 40,000 and over time were able to cross them off one by one, paid for in cash.
They had family vacations and finally could breathe a whole lot easier. Yet despite all Jay's long hours as a mortgage broker, money couldn't satisfy like it did before. Soon he was giving up spending time with his family in lieu of more hours at the job to provide more money to buy more stuff to fill their huge home. Beth had the luxury of being able to stay at home and raise the kids but deep within her past lay very deep, dark secrets that would thrust her into a deep depression that would almost claim her life.
That was the proverbial straw that needed to be broken, that would change how the Loecken family would view their lives and circumstances from here on out and completely change the world view of success in one's life. Taking a mission's trip to Africa was just what they needed. Jay and Beth, took their three oldest children with them and left their youngest son, Noah at home. Spending two weeks in Africa completely changed each of them in different ways.
Now Jay and Beth wanted more than money could buy. They spent the last two weeks serving the needs of others while right in their own backyard, there were people hurting every day they could help. Jay and Beth did the extreme. Without the support of most of their friends and family, they sold it all, and bought an RV. They would spend their time traveling and serving wherever they could, from cleaning used books in Portland, Oregon, to crushing cans in a Senior Center in McCall, Idaho, they would recreate what they saw on the other side of the world: purpose, joy, simplicity, and service.
In the book, Passion To Action, Jay and Beth Loecken share their inspiration and story along with that of their family on what brought them to this decision and how it has impacted them today. Along with their personal stories, there are challenges for all of us to find out what our passion is and how we can move from the dream stage to making it a reality. This book will inspire you to change that dream inside us all.
I received this book compliments of B & B Media Group for my honest review and can't think of a better way to begin to incorporate this into small Bible Group studies into a much larger church, community movement. This will provide you with the head start you need. It takes the fear we all face during our moments of making dreams come to life, and moves fear out of the way, so we can learn to take risks towards making it a reality. I know for me it has dramatically changed my own personal fears of finding a way to serve by putting those fears on the back burner where they belong, and avoid keeping them as roadblocks in front of me. This one rates a perfect 5 out of 5 stars and can't wait for you all to pick up this book and begin your own movement today.
For more information on this book, the authors and even where to find out more about Passion To Action, click on the links below:
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