Ever since Karen Baney wrote her first novel in the Prescott Pioneer series, I've been hooked. I mean these characters that she writes about feel like they are part of my distant relatives from the mid 1800's living in and around Prescott, Arizona when the west was just beginning to get settled.
There are stagecoach robberies, wanted men trying to find a way to enact revenge on those they feel deserve their wrath, people attempting to make a new start out west, cattle rustling, Indian attacks and those just trying to find love on the frontier. Through each consecutive novel that Karen has added to this series, we find out what our previous characters have been up to since the last book as she incorporates the lives of them along with new characters we can only hope to come to love and those we hope the swift hand of justice will rain down upon their heads.
In this novel, A Life Restored, the third book in the series, we find ourselves partnered with Caroline Larson, whose brother Adam and her best friend Julia left the family ranch to head to a new life in Prescott. Now struggling with trying to find love like that of her parents, Caroline finds that kissing the men who are interested in her may be the best way to see if she loves them. She believes if she feels a spark when they kiss, that may mean love is present. However when the two men find out about Caroline's plan, they are left broken-hearted and alone.
Caroline believes that being back with her brother Adam and Julia may help her get back on track and trusting her faith in God once again instead of trying to take control of her own life. The only problem is now on a stage coach trip to Prescott on her final leg of the trip, her coach is robbed, the men shot and she is left behind, tied up in the middle of no where far from any water or food.
The plot thickens when a stranger by the name of Robert Garrett, the mastermind behind the stagecoach robbery, finds out that Caroline is aboard the stage and in leaving her behind, he hopes to begin a blackmail scheme against the Larsons and Will Coulter that will fulfill his need for revenge and justice. Only problem is when he sends a man back to retrieve Caroline, she isn't there.
A renegade mail express rider,Thomas Anderson, that Caroline had an encounter with after almost being ran over by him in the street of Wickenburg will provide to be both a rescuer and a thorn in her side. Will she ever make it to Prescott? Will Robert Garrett find Thomas and Caroline before they make it into Prescott? Will Caroline ever find true love or find her faith in God again?
I received this ebook version of A Life Restored by Karen Baney compliments of the author herself. Not only did I become just as hooked as I did in the first two books in this series, I found even more characters to add to my new family in Prescott! You'll be rooting for your old favorites as well as meeting new ones along the way. If you love great western romance stories with a faith in God, then you'll love Karen Baney's Prescott Pioneers series! You can pick up any of them and fit right in or like me, start at the beginning and watch your family grow! This rates a 5 out of 5 stars and can't wait to see what other surprises Karen has in store for us in the future.
For more information about this book, the author or where to pick up this book, please click on the links below:
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