The difference between vampires and angels? Angels are real!
I know the invisible world that is all around us. My name is Megan Laughlin. I live in Clearwater, Florida. I'm fifteen, and I see angels. Megan has a unique ability, she can see angels and demons. She's been at war with one in particular while attending high school and that is Damon Vincent Lawless, according to the name that is on the school records, but everyone is school knows him by the name Jude or Judas.
It seems like Judas' goal is to attack and kill those closest to Megan. He almost claimed the life of her younger brother Max and her boyfriend Seth. But Megan made a deal with Judas. She gave him her life and would pretend to be his girlfriend, if he promised not to kill Seth or Max. For now, Judas is buying his time until he can twist that negotiation into something more than Megan could ever imagine.
In Angel in the Ice, the third book in the Angel Series by Lisa Grace, Megan and most of her friends are heading to a Blowing Rock, a lodge in the mountains that offers some great skiing and snowboarding, but with Judas geared to go, it will be anything but fun. Judas' mission is to find and locate souls that haven't given themselves up to God yet and take their lives. Armed with a legion of demon waiting his word, Judas plans to keep Megan and her demon hunters busy this time. Knowing he can vanish as will and walk through walls, Megan knows it's impossible to keep an eye on him every minute they are at the lodge.
With only a few of her friends who know who Judas is and what Megan's abilities are, they vow to work together along with an angel named Johnny to keep Judas' evil plans from becoming a reality. But with a blizzard of the century set to keep the resort isolated, it's only a matter of time before evil is unleashed in snow and ice. Will Megan be able to keep her friends alive or will the pact that she made with Judas be her undoing in the final hours on the mountain?
I received Angel in the Ice compliments of Lisa Grace for my honest review. I was super excited to read this one and know that many of my readers have enjoyed this Christian alternative to stories like Twilight or Harry Potter. Now with the first two books Angel in the Shadows and Angel in the Storm being made into a movie, this third picks up the heart-stopping action once again. Our favorite characters we've come to enjoy are back in this continuing sequel with more thrills and spiritual warfare at it's finest.
What I've come to enjoy most about Lisa's books is that they are almost the equivalent to Frank Peretti's Piercing the Darkness and This Present Darkness series of books for young adults. The reader is brought face to face with the spiritual realm of angels and demons in this book and we get to see just how faith in God and prayer works to impede the enemies plans for evil. The book also introduces the readers to just how innocently we may open ourselves up to the presence of evil that exists in the world today, even though society for the most part would deny that it does indeed exist.
I am honored to review this series and for those of you looking for a fantastic series that will engage you from the beginning to the very end, this is a MUST READ for you! For those of you that have been waiting like I have on pins and needles for this sequel, it's available on eBooks right now, with two more to follow. This one easily rates a 5 out of 5 stars in my personal opinion and hope that everyone picks this one up!
For more information on Angel in the Ice, Lisa Grace or where to pick up this book today, please click on the links below:
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