As moms the hardest thing for us to do sometimes besides finding time for ourselves if often times finding time to get our spiritual breakfast, lunch or dinner in for the day with God. I think it's critical to help us manage our day and help us deal with all the things unique to being a mom and being a success.
I've had the wonderful opportunity to review a great new devotional, The Power of A Positive Mom by Karol Ladd. I know I could use some help because as a busy mom, I find the some days I am less than a positive influence in the lives of those around me and even in my own. In this wonderful book are devotionals broken down into 52 weeks beginning each on a Monday. Of course, you could always chose to start them on any day, but its designed to give you a head start on the week ahead. What we often fail to realize is that the Bible is the perfect self-help book for everything moms and wives have to deal with. It offers insight and wisdom with powerful tools for living a full, contented, positive life as a mom whether your kids are in diapers or in high school.
By starting of each week with a motivational message designed for moms that comes straight from the Word of God, Karol's hope is that you'll find the encouragement, help, and spiritual fuel you'll need for the week ahead. Most moms want to be ones that create a positive environment of love, encouragement, and care in our homes, but we can't do it alone. This devotional offers a unique journey through the Bible that will help us tap into that power. Starting in Genesis and moving through passages in almost every book of the Bible all the way into Revelation, we will get a taste of them as we walk our way through God's Word.
Each week is broken into a Key Scripture to focus on that week, a motivational quote designed to get you in the right frame of mind, a Mom's Reflection; designed to help you apply the key scripture to your role as a mom that week, a place to record your thoughts with a great thought-provoking question, and a prayer for that week. There are also some choices to consider as you work through your study that week and further reading you can do.
I received The Power of A Positive Mom by Karol Ladd compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster for my honest review and could really see a difference in using this devotional in my own life. I keep it with me while I am doing things around the house, as a guide to direct me back to my key scripture when I find myself coming up short. It's almost like a reminder from God on spending 52 weeks of my life on becoming not only a better mom, but growing closer to the mom God wants me to be.
I highly recommend this book and rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars! It's a great starting point for new moms just beginning their spiritual walk in helping them get a simply Bible Study going for themselves or perhaps a mom's Bible Study with a small group in church! This makes an excellent resource for busy moms everywhere. For more information on this book, the author and where you can pick up a copy today, please click on the links below:
You can find Karol on Facebook by clicking here.
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