Kathi Macias has always placed a unique passion into her books and Special Delivery is no exception. Written as a sequel to Delivery Me From Evil in her Freedom Series, we pick up once again with the story of Mara. Mara has finally found freedom herself after spending a lifetime in the human trafficking ring that was run by her Uncle. She has spent the last two years striving for citizenship in the United States, while her Uncle Jefe seeks his revenge for her betrayal and arrest. She makes her living working as a waitress in a seafood cafe in San Diego and is trying hard to put her tragic past behind her.
Jonathan Flannery, a Bible college student, was one of the men responsible for Mara's rescue along with other girls being held against their will and forced into prostitution. He now finds himself wondering about how Mara is doing and what is going on her life. His family was instrumental in taking Jonathan's advice that human trafficking was going on near him and that Mara was one of the missing girls he had seen on the streets. Now the family has taken a proactive role in preventing and locating girls involved in human trafficking and prostitution. There appears to be an attraction between Jonathan and Mara but because of Mara's previous encounters with men, she has sworn off them completely.
Just as Mara believes she is finally moving forward she encounters a pregnant girl that she believes is mixed up in another trafficking ring and finds herself slowly being dragged back into helping her escape. However, her Uncle Jefe has plans for Mara thanks to her testimony in bringing him to justice and he's not about to let her forget she's the one responsible for putting him in prison.
I received Special Delivery by Kathi Macias compliments of Pump Up Your Book Tours for my honest review. I had read the first book in the series and wanted to know just how this would all turn out for Mara so I had to pick this one up. The subject matter of the story is very real and for some readers it might be difficult to deal with the horrors that are happening not just in this country but all over the world. Suddenly all those child kidnapping stories seem too real and what the end results might be are horrifying to comprehend. I applaud Kathi once again for shining a beacon onto the plight of child prostitution and human trafficking in her books and highly recommend this book for the awareness it brings to the surface. This book can be read as a stand alone without having read the previous one, but it makes the story so much more meaningful when you can see how it all got started in the first place. This one rates a 5 out of 5 stars!
For more information on this book, the author and where to pick up a copy of this book, please click on the links below:
You can also find Kathi on her Facebook page by clicking here.
Thanks for hosting Kathi today. I'm glad you enjoyed this sequel. It's definitely a powerful series. I hope your readers check it out.