For Allison Denman it seems like she lost control of her life along the way. Now it seems without realizing it that she has managed to find a guy that is a take charge kind of guy. He has planned everything since meeting her in high school from picking out her prom dress to deciding all the plans for their wedding including what type of flowers should be in her bouquet.
Now just five days before the wedding, she's beginning to wonder why she feels so apprehensive about the wedding. Is Seth the man for her? She's spent the last six years dating him. His everything she could ever want in a husband, handsome, wealthy, organized and in charge. At some point she has even told him she loved him along the way, but now she's not so sure and with wedding plans already in full swing, how does one get out of this mess?
Well obviously kissing the wrong man wasn't the way to get things started, and the worst part is that he's Seth's brother. The one who has faithfully sent her postcards from every place he's ever traveled as a friend. Yet, is there more behind all those "wish you were here" post cards, Daniels sent all these years. Is that the reason she felt comfortable kissing him back? Now how can she face him just days before the wedding. Will there even be a wedding? How can she possibly sort out all her mixed up feelings?
Is it like her best friend Meghan mentioned that when you marry, you shouldn't have any secrets between you and your future husband? Well, it seems like not mentioning the kissing part is just one of the deeper secrets Allison is keeping locked up inside. She has put God on the back burner for so long, it seems like it might be too late to seek His help in this issue or is it?
In the latest novel Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt, we see what happens when you try and keep things a secret, even from the person you are suppose to marry and worse yet, from God. In this wonderful romantic fiction we see how important trust and honesty is in all our relationships from the ones we have with God as well as the ones we have with our friends and spouses. Beth gives the readers really insight into some deeper issues that Allison has and she is trying to manage in her own way instead of seeking some professional help.
I received Wish You Were Here by Beth K. Vogt compliments of Litfuse Publicity for my honest review and LOVED it. Similar to The Runaway Bride, which is talked about between Allison and Meghan in this one, it shows that we have to be honest with everyone no matter whose feelings may get hurt along the way. Some secrets are never meant to be hidden in the dark shadows. No matter how bad you think things are, running away from them only delays the inevitable. I rate this one a 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend this to your hopeful romance fans everywhere.
For more information about Wish You Were Here, Beth K. Vogt and where to pick up this great summer read today, please click on the links below:
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ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a wonderful book. =)
ReplyDeleteits true, keeping secrets is not good, being truthful and honest is the best way, especially in your relationships!