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Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Art of Falling In Love

What if someone told you that love could be guaranteed? Would you think it was an outlandish promise? Impossible to ensure? Well, marriage and love expert Joe Beam shares four tried-and-proven, concrete steps to falling in love, staying in love, and renewing lost love in his novel, The Art of Falling in Love.

They are attraction, acceptance, attachment and aspiration. Joe Beam walks the readers through what he defines is the love path and everyone can attain that elusive "love" that most seek so desperately. Working with various couples in different stages in love or even falling out of love, Joe tries to take the readers through where some couples make critical mistakes at simply not understand the basic needs we all have. For example in the chapter on attraction, Joe tells readers that there are four different kinds of attraction and the more a couple connects in all four, the better the chances are that they can move into the next stage of the love path, acceptance.

The four types of attraction are physical (body), intellectual (mind), emotional (heart), and finally spiritual (soul). Now each person may not find all these things in the person they are attracted to, for example some one may be fair good looking but have a great intellectual mind that inspires an attraction for someone. Yet attraction in any of these areas is the first step to finding a lasting love.
The author also walks the reader into first coming to love themselves if they ever hope at finding love. Then he takes you through the steps to change the things you don't like about yourself so you can be more attractive to those around you.

While the author uses real life examples of how he has worked to help couples rekindle their romance and love even after years of being married and strives to make some great points, I question some of the ideas he suggests in the book. I don't necessary believe that all people fall into the Love Path as he suggests but everyone is different and people come into relationships with different ideas of what they want out of love or possibly marriage. I've read several books on love and restoring it when it's lost in a relationship and think so of his ideas are similar. The best part is that if it works, then it's a great book however for me, I found it lacking some connection with the reader.

I received this book compliments of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster for my honest review and have to rate this one a 3 out of 5 stars. However some readers might connect to the writing style of Joe Beam and if it works to restore their love and marriage than it's worth trying. For more information on this book, the author and where to purchase this book, please click on the link below:

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