Robert McCabe feels he's been given a unique gift, a calling from God to rid the world of evil that no one else seems to be able to do. Using his talents he developed over his career as an IT specialist and programmer, he can track down criminals that are able to slip through the hands of justice and continue their reign of terror over the world.
However Robert has another supernatural ability to do this. He is able to utilize the powers of those who are truly evil to battle against them. Only these powers that evil men have are outside those most people would never consider. A friend he grew up with in the small town of Irmo, South Carolina, by the name of Michael who believed that the local pastor Reverend John Ford was out to get him. Ford was a man who was growing financial successful with acquiring more churches as well as a local car dealership. However Michael believed that Reverend Ford was pressuring people to the point of blackmail in order to continue to become a rich man. So when Michael was let go from his position at the car dealership Ford owned, he began to plot for a way to get back at the man he felt was responsible.
Only Michael himself has a unique ability, and that is to be able to move metal with his mind and with that power, he can murder at will and no one would be able prove he had done it, and that is where Robert comes in to play. He has to stop Michael regardless of the costs.
I received Pastor Evil by Robert McCabe compliments of Pump Up Your Book Tours for my honest review and actually enjoyed this short novel. At 180 pages, the story line is unique and engages the reader. I would have loved to seen the ending a little more detailed instead of so short and quick after all the build up the reader gets to before it ends. I am looking forward to his next book Physician Evil which the reader is given a sneak peek at in the end of the book. This book is for fans of supernatural suspense thrillers and thus would rate this one a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
For more information about this book, the author and where to pick up a copy of this book, please click on the link below:
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