When Dr. Michael J. Normal answered an ad in the newspaper for a part-time chiropractor, he believed it was the answer to a prayer. Trying to find a way to supplement his current income in his private practice so his wife could stay home as a full-time mom and wife, he believed God had answered his prayers.
However sometimes we are in such a rush to take advantage of what seems to be a good thing, we miss all the tale-tell signs that are simply too good to be true. What enviably happened was that his current employers were using Dr. Norman's part time business working for them as a front in a Russian-Mafia scheme and since his name was listed as the primary doctor, they were also listed on all the business paperwork. It would be the ultimate cost to him and his family in finding a way out. It's not like he could just quit his job when confronted by insurance lawyers and facing federal indictment charges, now his family was at risk once his employers knew that their cover was blown.
How far would they be willing to go to make sure Dr. Norman kept his mouth shut? Would they threaten his current practice and family? Would God be able to provide a way out?
In the novel, Unbridled Grace, Dr. Michael J. Norman takes his readers on a remarkable journey into one man's nightmare and how God taught him valuable lessons he might have not learned any other way, through this true story about the power of our choices. In this book, Dr. Norman educates his readers through the retelling of his own personal crisis, exactly how God was with him every step of the way, and how many times He tried to intervene but since the choice remained with Dr. Norman, unfortunately not every choice is the right one to take and God is not to blame.
I found the book compelling to show readers how simple it is to blame God for everything that doesn't go right in our lives and sometimes it takes a turbulent storm to bring us back to the realization that we need to change direction and head for calmer waters. I received this book compliments of Pump Up Your Book Tours for my honest review and easily give this one a 5 out of 5 stars. Sometimes we learn our best lessons through going through the fires and trials of life and in the end, God really does bring out goodness from the dark.
For more information on this book, the author and even where to purchase a copy of this book, please click on the link below:
Thank you for the wonderful review of Dr. Norman's book. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Unbridled Grace is a powerful story. I hope your readers get a chance to check it out.